What Is Another Way to Say “Waste of Time”?

Looking for synonyms for waste of time? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say waste of time.

  • Futile effort
  • Pointless endeavor
  • Fruitless pursuit
  • Useless undertaking
  • Ineffectual activity
  • Unproductive task
  • Vain attempt
  • Meaningless action
  • Purposeless exercise
  • Unavailing work
  • Idle venture
  • Hollow pursuit
  • Unrewarding job
  • Insignificant effort
  • Trivial pursuit
  • Nonproductive activity
  • Unprofitable venture
  • Needless exercise
  • Sisyphean task
  • Superfluous activity

Want to learn how to say waste of time professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Futile Effort

When to Use: Suitable for an attempt unlikely to succeed or produce any result.
Example: “Continuing to use outdated marketing strategies in the digital age is a futile effort.”

2. Pointless Endeavor

When to Use: Appropriate for an activity with no useful purpose.
Example: “Trying to manually analyze massive datasets is a pointless endeavor.”

3. Fruitless Pursuit

When to Use: Best used for an activity that does not bring about a successful result.
Example: “Chasing after clients who consistently show no interest can become a fruitless pursuit.”

4. Useless Undertaking

When to Use: Suitable for an action or task that is not worth doing because it produces no benefit.
Example: “Creating detailed reports that no one reads is a useless undertaking.”

5. Ineffectual Activity

When to Use: Appropriate for an action that is not producing any or the desired effect.
Example: “Holding frequent meetings without clear agendas or objectives is an ineffectual activity.”

6. Unproductive Task

When to Use: Best used for a task that does not produce a significant or positive outcome.
Example: “Sorting emails by hand instead of using automated filters is an unproductive task.”

7. Vain Attempt

When to Use: Suitable for an effort made with little hope of success.
Example: “Trying to please every customer with a single solution often ends up being a vain attempt.”

8. Meaningless Action

When to Use: Appropriate for an action that lacks purpose or significance.
Example: “Compiling data without analyzing it or drawing insights is a meaningless action.”

9. Purposeless Exercise

When to Use: Best used for an activity that serves no practical purpose or end.
Example: “Redoing work that has already been completed correctly is a purposeless exercise.”

10. Unavailing Work

When to Use: Suitable for work that is ineffective or unsuccessful.
Example: “Sending generic sales pitches to a wide, untargeted audience is often unavailing work.”

11. Idle Venture

When to Use: Appropriate for an endeavor that lacks substance, value, or is unproductive.
Example: “Investing resources in a project without market research can be an idle venture.”

12. Hollow Pursuit

When to Use: Best used for an endeavor or activity that is devoid of real significance or value.
Example: “Focusing only on short-term profits without considering sustainability can be a hollow pursuit.”

13. Unrewarding Job

When to Use: Suitable for a task that does not provide satisfaction or desired results.
Example: “Continuously fixing minor aesthetic issues on the website was becoming an unrewarding job.”

14. Insignificant Effort

When to Use: Appropriate for an effort that is too small or unimportant to make a difference.
Example: “Spending time on minor cosmetic changes to a report is an insignificant effort compared to improving its content.”

15. Trivial Pursuit

When to Use: Best used for an activity of little importance or value.
Example: “Arguing over the color scheme of the office lounge is a trivial pursuit.”

16. Nonproductive Activity

When to Use: Suitable for an activity that does not produce anything useful.
Example: “Endless paperwork with no clear benefit is a nonproductive activity.”

17. Unprofitable Venture

When to Use: Appropriate for a project or activity that does not result in profit or benefit.
Example: “Investing in outdated technology turned out to be an unprofitable venture.”

18. Needless Exercise

When to Use: Best used for an activity that is not necessary and does not need to be done.
Example: “Manual entry of data that could be easily automated is a needless exercise.”

19. Sisyphean Task

When to Use: Suitable for a task that is endless and ineffective.
Example: “Trying to manually track and analyze all social media mentions is a Sisyphean task.”

20. Superfluous Activity

When to Use: Appropriate for an activity that is unnecessary, especially because more than enough of it is being done.
Example: “Rewriting the company handbook annually without any significant changes is a superfluous activity.”

Linda Brown