What Is Another Way to Say “Trite”?

Looking for synonyms for trite? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say trite.

  • Hackneyed
  • Overused
  • Clichéd
  • Banal
  • Stale
  • Tired
  • Threadbare
  • Commonplace
  • Worn-out
  • Platitudinous
  • Stereotyped
  • Unoriginal
  • Derivative
  • Old
  • Mundane

Want to learn how to say trite professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Hackneyed

Appropriate Use: Suitable for describing phrases or ideas that have been overused and lack originality.
Example: “The report was filled with hackneyed expressions that added little value.”

2. Overused

Appropriate Use: Used for something that has been used so often that it becomes tired or less effective.
Example: “The ‘innovative’ tag has become overused in tech product descriptions.”

3. Clichéd

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.
Example: “Using ‘out of the box thinking’ in every other meeting has become clichéd.”

4. Banal

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something that is so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring.
Example: “The presentation was uninspiring and filled with banal content.”

5. Stale

Appropriate Use: Refers to something no longer fresh or novel.
Example: “The advertising campaign needs to be refreshed as it has become stale.”

6. Tired

Appropriate Use: Used to describe something that is wearying or boring due to overuse.
Example: “The constant references to ‘teamwork’ in corporate materials are starting to sound tired.”

7. Threadbare

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something thin or tattered with age, especially regarding phrases or ideas.
Example: “The argument presented in the article was threadbare and unconvincing.”

8. Commonplace

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing something not new or fresh; ordinary.
Example: “Commonplace ideas in the proposal need to be replaced with more innovative concepts.”

9. Worn-out

Appropriate Use: Refers to something shabby, frayed, or exhausted, especially through overuse.
Example: “The worn-out analogies used in the training sessions need updating.”

10. Platitudinous

Appropriate Use: Used for expressions that are flat, dull, or trite.
Example: “The CEO’s speech was criticized for being overly platitudinous.”

11. Stereotyped

Appropriate Use: Suitable for something conforming to a fixed or general pattern.
Example: “The stereotyped portrayal of roles in the industry is being challenged.”

12. Unoriginal

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing a lack of novelty or newness.
Example: “The strategy was unoriginal and mirrored what competitors were already doing.”

13. Derivative

Appropriate Use: Used to describe something that is imitative of the work of another person, and usually disapproved of for that reason.
Example: “The design was criticized for being derivative and lacking in creativity.”

14. Old

Appropriate Use: Refers to something that has been in existence for a long time and may therefore be stale or out of date.
Example: “The old marketing tactics are not resonating with the younger audience.”

15. Mundane

Appropriate Use: Suitable for the ordinary, commonplace, or banal.
Example: “The article covered mundane topics that offered no new insights.”

Linda Brown