What Is Another Way to Say “Took Advantage Of”?

Looking for synonyms for took advantage of? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say took advantage of.

  • Exploited
  • Utilized
  • Capitalized on
  • Leveraged
  • Benefited from
  • Made the most of
  • Seized
  • Embraced
  • Milked
  • Made hay of
  • Cashed in on
  • Maximized
  • Used to one’s advantage
  • Profited from
  • Turned to one’s advantage
  • Made use of
  • Put to good use
  • Drew on
  • Tapped into
  • Gained from

Want to learn how to say took advantage of professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Exploited

Appropriate Use: Used when someone takes unfair advantage of a situation.
Example: The company exploited a loophole in the tax law to reduce its financial obligations.

2. Utilized

Appropriate Use: Used when someone makes use of something effectively.
Example: She utilized her extensive network to gain new clients.

3. Capitalized on

Appropriate Use: Used when taking advantage of a situation or opportunity.
Example: The firm capitalized on the emerging market trends to increase its sales.

4. Leveraged

Appropriate Use: Used when using something to maximum advantage.
Example: He leveraged his experience in the industry to negotiate better contracts.

5. Benefited from

Appropriate Use: Used when receiving an advantage from a situation or action.
Example: The company benefited from the new regulations that favored its products.

6. Made the Most of

Appropriate Use: Used when taking full advantage of a situation.
Example: She made the most of the opportunity to present her ideas to the board.

7. Seized

Appropriate Use: Used when taking advantage of something eagerly and quickly.
Example: The startup seized the chance to expand its operations overseas.

8. Embraced

Appropriate Use: Used when accepting or supporting something willingly and enthusiastically.
Example: The team embraced the new technology to improve their workflow.

9. Milked

Appropriate Use: Used, often negatively, when taking full advantage of a situation for personal gain.
Example: He milked the company’s resources for his personal projects.

10. Made Hay of

Appropriate Use: Used when taking full advantage of a favorable situation.
Example: The marketing team made hay of the competitor’s PR mishap.

11. Cashed in on

Appropriate Use: Used when taking advantage of or benefiting financially from a situation.
Example: She cashed in on her expertise by launching a consulting business.

12. Maximized

Appropriate Use: Used when making the best or most effective use of something.
Example: The company maximized its assets to secure a loan for expansion.

13. Used to One’s Advantage

Appropriate Use: Used when utilizing something in a way that benefits oneself.
Example: He used his insider knowledge to one’s advantage during the negotiations.

14. Profited from

Appropriate Use: Used when gaining benefits or profits from a situation.
Example: The investor profited from the timely sale of stocks.

15. Turned to One’s Advantage

Appropriate Use: Used when manipulating a situation to benefit oneself.
Example: She turned the economic downturn to her advantage by buying undervalued properties.

16. Made Use of

Appropriate Use: Used when employing something for a particular purpose.
Example: The team made use of the new software to streamline their process.

17. Put to Good Use

Appropriate Use: Used when applying something effectively for a beneficial purpose.
Example: The charity put the donation to good use by building new shelters.

18. Drew on

Appropriate Use: Used when using resources or information for help or inspiration.
Example: He drew on his years of experience to solve the complex issue.

19. Tapped into

Appropriate Use: Used when accessing and using a resource or source of information.
Example: The company tapped into the international market for greater revenue opportunities.

20. Gained from

Appropriate Use: Used when obtaining an advantage or benefit from something.
Example: We gained from the feedback provided by the early users of our app.

Linda Brown