What Is Another Way to Say “To Add On”?

Looking for synonyms for to add on? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say to add on.

  • Append
  • Attach
  • Supplement
  • Affix
  • Adjoin
  • Incorporate
  • Annex
  • Augment
  • Add to
  • Enhance
  • Extend
  • Include
  • Integrate
  • Join
  • Admix

Want to learn how to say to add on professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Append

Appropriate Use: To add something as an attachment or supplement.
Example: The researcher decided to append a glossary of terms to the report.

2. Attach

Appropriate Use: To join or fasten something to another thing.
Example: Please attach the updated financial statements to the business plan.

3. Supplement

Appropriate Use: To add something extra in order to improve or complete it.
Example: The training program was supplemented with a series of online webinars.

4. Affix

Appropriate Use: To stick, attach, or fasten something to something else.
Example: The company will affix a QR code to its products for easy access to their website.

5. Adjoin

Appropriate Use: To add or attach something alongside or adjacent to something else.
Example: The team plans to adjoin an annex to the main office building.

6. Incorporate

Appropriate Use: To include or integrate a part into a whole.
Example: The new software update will incorporate enhanced security features.

7. Annex

Appropriate Use: To add as an extra part, especially to a document.
Example: The annexed section of the report contains detailed statistical analysis.

8. Augment

Appropriate Use: To make something greater by adding to it.
Example: To augment our market reach, we will open two more retail stores.

9. Add to

Appropriate Use: To join something to something else so as to increase the size, number, or amount.
Example: We plan to add to our product line to cater to a wider audience.

10. Enhance

Appropriate Use: To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
Example: The company enhanced its customer service protocol to improve client satisfaction.

11. Extend

Appropriate Use: To increase the length, duration, or scope of something.
Example: The contract was extended to add on additional services.

12. Include

Appropriate Use: To make someone or something a part of something else.
Example: The package includes an additional user manual for troubleshooting.

13. Integrate

Appropriate Use: To combine one thing with another to create a whole.
Example: The new education policy integrates technology into traditional teaching methods.

14. Join

Appropriate Use: To connect or fasten things together.
Example: The two companies decided to join their research teams to expedite the project.

15. Admix

Appropriate Use: To mix something with something else.
Example: The manufacturer admixed natural ingredients to their existing product line to appeal to health-conscious consumers.

Linda Brown