What Is Another Way to Say “Held Back”?

Looking for synonyms for held back? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say held back.

  • Restrained
  • Withheld
  • Suppressed
  • Concealed
  • Inhibited
  • Curbed
  • Retained
  • Reserved
  • Checked
  • Repressed
  • Stifled
  • Contained
  • Bridled
  • Constrained
  • Hindered

Want to learn how to say held back professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Restrained

Appropriate Use: Referring to keeping something under control or within limits.
Example: The manager restrained from making any sudden changes to the team structure.

2. Withheld

Appropriate Use: To hold back or refrain from providing something.
Example: Information about the new product launch was withheld until the official announcement.

3. Suppressed

Appropriate Use: Actively holding back or stopping something from being expressed or known.
Example: The company suppressed the report to avoid negative publicity.

4. Concealed

Appropriate Use: Keeping something hidden or secret.
Example: The true financial state of the organization was concealed from the stakeholders.

5. Inhibited

Appropriate Use: Hindering or restraining an action or process.
Example: The strict regulations inhibited innovation within the company.

6. Curbed

Appropriate Use: To restrain or keep in check.
Example: The new policy curbed excessive spending within the department.

7. Retained

Appropriate Use: To continue to hold or keep in possession.
Example: The CEO retained control over the major decisions in the company.

8. Reserved

Appropriate Use: To keep back or save for future use, or to be reticent.
Example: The director reserved his comments until the end of the presentation.

9. Checked

Appropriate Use: To stop or slow down the progress of something.
Example: The audit checked the financial discrepancies that were starting to appear.

10. Repressed

Appropriate Use: Subduing someone or something by force.
Example: Employee grievances were repressed in the fear of causing unrest.

11. Stifled

Appropriate Use: To suppress, curb, or withhold.
Example: Creativity in the team was stifled due to the overly rigid company policies.

12. Contained

Appropriate Use: To keep something harmful under control or within limits.
Example: The spread of the misinformation was contained effectively by the PR team.

13. Bridled

Appropriate Use: To bring something under control with restraint.
Example: The project manager bridled the scope of work to ensure timely delivery.

14. Constrained

Appropriate Use: Severely restrict the scope, extent, or activity of something.
Example: Budget constraints constrained the team’s ability to invest in new technologies.

15. Hindered

Appropriate Use: Creating difficulties for someone or something, resulting in delay or obstruction.
Example: The unexpected regulatory changes hindered the product’s entry into the market.

Linda Brown