What Is Another Way to Say “Take Out”?

Looking for synonyms for take out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say take out.

  • Assume
  • Presume
  • Overlook
  • Disregard
  • Neglect
  • Ignore
  • Underestimate
  • Undervalue
  • Misjudge
  • Discount

Want to learn how to say take out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Assume

Appropriate Use: ‘Assume’ is suitable when accepting something as true without proof, often based on probability or prior experience.
Example: “We assume all team members have read and understood the safety guidelines.”

2. Presume

Appropriate Use: ‘Presume’ is used when making an educated guess based on reasonable evidence or past experience.
Example: “Given his track record, we can presume he will excel in this new project.”

3. Overlook

Appropriate Use: ‘Overlook’ is appropriate when unintentionally failing to notice or consider something important.
Example: “In our project plan, we must ensure not to overlook any key deadlines.”

4. Disregard

Appropriate Use: This term is used when intentionally ignoring or dismissing something as unimportant.
Example: “The team chose to disregard the competitor’s market strategy in developing our approach.”

5. Neglect

Appropriate Use: ‘Neglect’ applies when failing to care for something properly, often leading to adverse outcomes.
Example: “Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to serious issues with our equipment.”

6. Ignore

Appropriate Use: ‘Ignore’ is used when deliberately paying no attention to something, often consciously.
Example: “The manager decided to ignore the minor errors in the report to meet the deadline.”

7. Underestimate

Appropriate Use: This term is used when not fully recognizing the abilities, importance, or magnitude of something.
Example: “We underestimated the time required to complete the research phase of the project.”

8. Undervalue

Appropriate Use: ‘Undervalue’ is suitable when failing to appreciate the true worth or potential of someone or something.
Example: “The consultant’s expertise was undervalued in the decision-making process.”

9. Misjudge

Appropriate Use: ‘Misjudge’ is used when making an incorrect assessment or conclusion about a situation or person.
Example: “The team misjudged the market demand for the new product, leading to overproduction.”

10. Discount

Appropriate Use: ‘Discount’ applies when reducing the importance or disregarding the relevance of something.
Example: “In our analysis, we should not discount the impact of seasonal fluctuations on sales.”

Linda Brown