What Is Another Way to Say “Supposed To”?

Looking for synonyms for supposed to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say supposed to.

  • Expected to
  • Meant to
  • Obligated to
  • Required to
  • Compelled to
  • Duty-bound to
  • Scheduled to
  • Intended to
  • Should
  • Ought to
  • Presumed to
  • Destined to
  • Tasked with
  • Enjoined to
  • Bound to
  • Need to
  • Supposedly
  • Set to
  • Planned to
  • Have to

Want to learn how to say supposed to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Expected to

Use when: Indicating that something is considered likely or standard.
Example: “Employees are expected to complete the training by the end of this month.”

2. Meant to

Use when: Suggesting something is intended or planned.
Example: “The new software update is meant to enhance user experience.”

3. Obligated to

Use when: Indicating a requirement or duty to do something.
Example: “As part of our contract, we are obligated to deliver the project on time.”

4. Required to

Use when: Describing something that is necessary or compulsory.
Example: “You are required to adhere to the company’s code of conduct.”

5. Compelled to

Use when: Referring to being forced or obligated to do something.
Example: “The regulations compelled the company to revise its policies.”

6. Duty-bound to

Use when: Indicating a moral or legal obligation.
Example: “As a healthcare provider, we are duty-bound to maintain patient confidentiality.”

7. Scheduled to

Use when: Referring to planned events or actions.
Example: “The CEO is scheduled to speak at the conference next week.”

8. Intended to

Use when: Describing the purpose or plan behind an action.
Example: “The training program is intended to improve team productivity.”

9. Should

Use when: Suggesting an obligation or recommendation.
Example: “You should update your password regularly for security.”

10. Ought to

Use when: Indicating a suggested or expected action.
Example: “Managers ought to provide regular feedback to their teams.”

11. Presumed to

Use when: Referring to something that is supposed or assumed.
Example: “He is presumed to take over the lead on the project.”

12. Destined to

Use when: Suggesting a certain fate or outcome.
Example: “This innovative approach is destined to change the industry.”

13. Tasked with

Use when: Describing being given a specific duty or responsibility.
Example: “She has been tasked with leading the new marketing campaign.”

14. Enjoined to

Use when: Referring to being instructed or ordered to do something.
Example: “The committee was enjoined to review the proposal thoroughly.”

15. Bound to

Use when: Indicating being likely or certain to do something.
Example: “With such experience, he is bound to succeed in his new role.”

16. Need to

Use when: Suggesting a necessity or requirement.
Example: “We need to ensure that all data is backed up securely.”

17. Supposedly

Use when: Referring to something that is believed or reputed to be the case.
Example: “The new policy will supposedly streamline our operations.”

18. Set to

Use when: Describing being ready or prepared to do something.
Example: “The team is set to commence the project next Monday.”

19. Planned to

Use when: Indicating something that was arranged or designed to happen.
Example: “The company had planned to expand to the Asian market this year.”

20. Have to

Use when: Referring to an obligation or necessity.
Example: “We have to comply with the new regulations by the end of the quarter.”

Linda Brown