What Is Another Way to Say “Slowly but Surely”?

Looking for synonyms for slowly but surely? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say slowly but surely.

  • Gradually yet steadily
  • Steadily but unhurriedly
  • At a steady pace
  • Slow and steady
  • Unhurried but consistent
  • Methodically and reliably
  • Deliberately and steadily
  • Persistently and gradually
  • Inexorably and deliberately
  • At a deliberate pace
  • Consistently and gradually
  • Unswervingly and slowly
  • Unrushed yet progressive
  • In a measured manner
  • With steady progress

Want to learn how to say slowly but surely professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Gradually yet Steadily

Gradually yet steadily is used to describe progress that is slow but continuous and without interruption.

Example: “The company is expanding its operations gradually yet steadily into new markets.”

2. Steadily but Unhurriedly

Steadily but unhurriedly implies making progress at a consistent pace without rushing.

Example: “We are advancing the project steadily but unhurriedly to ensure thoroughness.”

3. At a Steady Pace

At a steady pace is used when progress is being made consistently and at a uniform speed.

Example: “The software development is moving forward at a steady pace.”

4. Slow and Steady

Slow and steady implies making progress at a slow, deliberate pace, emphasizing consistency over speed.

Example: “The slow and steady approach in our research ensures accuracy and depth.”

5. Unhurried but Consistent

Unhurried but consistent is used when progress is being made without rushing, yet with regularity and reliability.

Example: “Our client base is growing unhurried but consistent.”

6. Methodically and Reliably

Methodically and reliably implies a systematic and dependable approach to making progress.

Example: “The audit is being conducted methodically and reliably.”

7. Deliberately and Steadily

Deliberately and steadily is used to describe progress that is intentional and at a consistent pace.

Example: “The marketing strategy is being implemented deliberately and steadily.”

8. Persistently and Gradually

Persistently and gradually implies continuous progress made slowly over time.

Example: “Our brand recognition is improving persistently and gradually.”

9. Inexorably and Deliberately

Inexorably and deliberately is used when progress is unstoppable and made with intent and thoughtfulness.

Example: “The regulatory changes are being introduced inexorably and deliberately.”

10. At a Deliberate Pace

At a deliberate pace implies making progress intentionally and at a carefully measured speed.

Example: “The network upgrade is proceeding at a deliberate pace to minimize disruptions.”

11. Consistently and Gradually

Consistently and gradually is used to describe progress that is both regular and slow.

Example: “Profits are increasing consistently and gradually each quarter.”

12. Unswervingly and Slowly

Unswervingly and slowly implies making steady progress without deviation, though at a slow rate.

Example: “The company is moving unswervingly and slowly towards its long-term goals.”

13. Unrushed yet Progressive

Unrushed yet progressive is used when progress is being made in a forward-moving manner, but without haste.

Example: “The team is working on the project in an unrushed yet progressive way.”

14. In a Measured Manner

In a measured manner implies a careful, calculated approach to making progress.

Example: “The budget allocations are being adjusted in a measured manner.”

15. With Steady Progress

With steady progress is used to describe a continuous and consistent forward movement.

Example: “With steady progress, the company is overcoming its initial startup challenges.”

Linda Brown