What Is Another Way to Say “Short-Sighted”?

Looking for synonyms for short-sighted? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say short-sighted.

  • Myopic
  • Narrow-minded
  • Limited vision
  • Lacking foresight
  • Near-sighted
  • Injudicious
  • Tunnel-visioned
  • Unthinking
  • Impulsive
  • Shortsighted
  • Imperceptive
  • Ill-considered
  • Unperceptive
  • Imprudent
  • Hasty

Want to learn how to say short-sighted professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Myopic

When to use: Use “Myopic” to describe a lack of foresight or long-term planning.
Example: “The company’s myopic strategy failed to account for future technological changes.”

2. Narrow-minded

When to use: “Narrow-minded” is suitable for someone who is not willing to listen to or tolerate other people’s views.
Example: “His narrow-minded approach to management stifled creative ideas.”

3. Limited Vision

When to use: Use “Limited Vision” to describe a lack of imagination or foresight in planning or thinking.
Example: “The project failed due to the leader’s limited vision for its potential.”

4. Lacking Foresight

When to use: “Lacking Foresight” is appropriate for someone who fails to consider the future implications of their actions.
Example: “Lacking foresight in financial planning can lead to serious long-term consequences for the business.”

5. Near-sighted

When to use: Use “Near-sighted” to describe an inability to see the long-term effects or implications of actions or decisions.
Example: “The near-sighted decision to cut research funding compromised the company’s innovation.”

6. Injudicious

When to use: “Injudicious” is suitable for actions or decisions that are not wise or prudent; lacking in judgment.
Example: “The CEO’s injudicious comments during the interview caused a public relations issue.”

7. Tunnel-visioned

When to use: Use “Tunnel-visioned” to describe being focused on a single objective or point of view to the exclusion of others.
Example: “The team’s tunnel-visioned focus on immediate profits ignored longer-term sustainability.”

8. Unthinking

When to use: “Unthinking” is appropriate for acting without consideration or thought.
Example: “An unthinking adherence to outdated procedures can hinder progress.”

9. Impulsive

When to use: Use “Impulsive” for actions done without forethought or planning.
Example: “Impulsive decisions in the stock market can lead to significant losses.”

10. Shortsighted

When to use: “Shortsighted” is suitable for lacking insight or scope, particularly in planning for the future.
Example: “The company’s shortsighted policies failed to consider environmental impacts.”

11. Imperceptive

When to use: Use “Imperceptive” for someone who is not sensitive or aware of the implications of their actions.
Example: “The manager’s imperceptive handling of the situation led to decreased employee morale.”

12. Ill-considered

When to use: “Ill-considered” is appropriate for actions or decisions not carefully thought out.
Example: “The ill-considered expansion plan resulted in overextending the company’s resources.”

13. Unperceptive

When to use: Use “Unperceptive” to describe a lack of awareness, insight, or perception.
Example: “The unperceptive marketing strategy failed to recognize changing consumer trends.”

14. Imprudent

When to use: “Imprudent” is suitable for actions or decisions that are not cautious or wise.
Example: “Imprudent financial investments jeopardized the company’s stability.”

15. Hasty

When to use: Use “Hasty” to describe doing something quickly and without sufficient thought.
Example: “A hasty decision to cut staff led to a loss in expertise and knowledge.”

Linda Brown