What Is Another Way to Say “Set Aside”?

Looking for synonyms for set aside? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say set aside.

  • Reserve
  • Allocate
  • Put aside
  • Save
  • Earmark
  • Dedicate
  • Segregate
  • Sequester
  • Stash
  • Store
  • Squirrel away
  • Shelve
  • Hoard
  • Stockpile
  • Lay by
  • Keep
  • Hold
  • Tuck away
  • Salt away
  • Bank

Want to learn how to say set aside professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Reserve

Appropriate Use: To keep something back or save it for a particular purpose or time.
Example: “The company will reserve a portion of the budget for unexpected expenses.”

2. Allocate

Appropriate Use: To distribute resources or duties for a specific purpose.
Example: “The project manager will allocate tasks to team members based on their expertise.”

3. Put Aside

Appropriate Use: To save something, especially money or time, for a specific purpose.
Example: “He put aside some time each week to focus on professional development.”

4. Save

Appropriate Use: To keep and store up something for future use.
Example: “The department decided to save a part of their budget for the next quarter.”

5. Earmark

Appropriate Use: To designate something, such as funds, for a particular purpose.
Example: “The board has earmarked funds for the company’s expansion plans.”

6. Dedicate

Appropriate Use: To devote time, effort, or resources to a particular task or purpose.
Example: “She dedicated a section of her report to addressing potential risks.”

7. Segregate

Appropriate Use: To separate or set apart from others or from the main group.
Example: “Financial auditors recommend to segregate the duties within the finance team.”

8. Sequester

Appropriate Use: To isolate or hide away something, especially funds.
Example: “The organization decided to sequester additional resources for emergency use.”

9. Stash

Appropriate Use: To store something safely in a hidden or secret place.
Example: “He stashed part of his earnings into a fund for future investments.”

10. Store

Appropriate Use: To keep or accumulate something for future use.
Example: “The company stores data securely for compliance purposes.”

11. Squirrel Away

Appropriate Use: To hide or store something, especially money, for future use.
Example: “She squirreled away part of her salary every month for retirement.”

12. Shelve

Appropriate Use: To postpone or put aside something to be dealt with at a later time.
Example: “The team shelved the project until they received more information.”

13. Hoard

Appropriate Use: To accumulate and store away something, often secretly.
Example: “The department hoarded resources, anticipating future budget cuts.”

14. Stockpile

Appropriate Use: To accumulate a large supply of goods or materials for future use.
Example: “The government stockpiled essential medical supplies for emergencies.”

15. Lay By

Appropriate Use: To save or reserve something, especially money, for future use.
Example: “He lays by a portion of his income each month for his children’s education.”

16. Keep

Appropriate Use: To continue to have something in one’s possession.
Example: “She keeps extra supplies in the office in case of urgent needs.”

17. Hold

Appropriate Use: To keep or retain something in one’s possession.
Example: “The company holds a reserve of funds for development projects.”

18. Tuck Away

Appropriate Use: To put something in a safe or secluded space.
Example: “He tucked away important documents in the safe.”

19. Salt Away

Appropriate Use: To save money or other items in a secure place.
Example: “They salted away profits for future capital investments.”

20. Bank

Appropriate Use: To deposit or accumulate for future use.
Example: “She banks her extra time off to use for extended vacations.”

Linda Brown