What Is Another Way to Say “Push Back”?

Looking for synonyms for push back? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say push back.

  • Postpone
  • Delay
  • Defer
  • Reschedule
  • Put off
  • Adjourn
  • Procrastinate
  • Hold off
  • Shelve
  • Prolong
  • Table
  • Remit
  • Stall
  • Suspend
  • Extend
  • Set back
  • Retard
  • Prorogue
  • Continue
  • Reprieve

Want to learn how to say push back professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Postpone

Used when an event or decision is delayed to a later time.

Example: “We need to postpone the meeting until all members can attend.”

2. Delay

Appropriate for situations where there is a temporary holdup.

Example: “The project’s launch has been delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.”

3. Defer

Used when action is put off to a future time, especially for reasons of convenience or strategy.

Example: “The board decided to defer the decision to the next quarter.”

4. Reschedule

Appropriate for rearranging an event or appointment to a new time or date.

Example: “We will have to reschedule the conference call for next week.”

5. Put off

Used in informal contexts to indicate delaying or avoiding something.

Example: “We can’t put off addressing these customer complaints any longer.”

6. Adjourn

Appropriate for temporarily halting proceedings, often used in formal meetings or legal contexts.

Example: “The committee meeting was adjourned to next Wednesday.”

7. Procrastinate

Used to imply delay due to reluctance or unwillingness to act promptly.

Example: “We should not procrastinate in implementing the new regulations.”

8. Hold off

Appropriate for temporarily stopping or delaying an action or decision.

Example: “Let’s hold off on making any changes until we have more information.”

9. Shelve

Used for putting something aside or deferring it, often indefinitely.

Example: “The proposal has been shelved until further notice.”

10. Prolong

Appropriate for extending the duration of something beyond the expected or usual time.

Example: “Prolonging the negotiation process might not be in our best interest.”

11. Table

Used in parliamentary or meeting contexts to mean postponing consideration of a matter.

Example: “The motion was tabled until the next legislative session.”

12. Remit

Appropriate for deferring or referring a matter to another person or authority for decision.

Example: “The matter was remitted to the audit committee for further review.”

13. Stall

Used when there is intentional or unintentional delay or hindrance in progress.

Example: “We need to address the factors that are stalling our project’s progress.”

14. Suspend

Appropriate for temporarily halting operations or activities.

Example: “Production was suspended due to equipment malfunctions.”

15. Extend

Used when the length or duration of something is increased.

Example: “The deadline for the report submission has been extended by a week.”

16. Set back

Appropriate for causing a delay or hindrance in the progress of something.

Example: “Unexpected technical issues have set back our product release date.”

17. Retard

Used in formal contexts to indicate slowing down or delaying progress.

Example: “Bureaucratic processes can often retard the pace of innovation.”

18. Prorogue

Appropriate for discontinuing a session of a legislative assembly without dissolving it.

Example: “The parliament was prorogued until the crisis was resolved.”

19. Continue

Used in legal or procedural contexts to mean postponing to a later date.

Example: “The court decided to continue the hearing to a later date.”

20. Reprieve

Appropriate for granting a temporary relief from an impending action, often in a legal or disciplinary context.

Example: “The committee granted a reprieve on the policy enforcement deadline.”

Linda Brown