What Is Another Way to Say “Problem Solve”?

Looking for synonyms for problem solve? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say problem solve.

  • Troubleshoot
  • Resolve issues
  • Find solutions
  • Overcome challenges
  • Address problems
  • Rectify problems
  • Tackle difficulties
  • Work out difficulties
  • Remediate issues
  • Iron out snags
  • Fix problems
  • Crack challenges
  • Unravel complexities
  • Navigate obstacles
  • Sort out complications

Want to learn how to say problem solve professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Troubleshoot

When to use: Appropriate for identifying and resolving technical problems or issues in processes or systems.
Example: “The IT specialist was able to quickly troubleshoot the network issues we were experiencing.”

2. Resolve Issues

When to use: Suitable for finding solutions to problems or disagreements in various contexts.
Example: “The team worked together to resolve issues that arose during the project’s implementation.”

3. Find Solutions

When to use: Ideal for a process of identifying effective answers or methods to deal with problems.
Example: “Our task force is dedicated to finding solutions to the operational challenges faced by the company.”

4. Overcome Challenges

When to use: Used for dealing with and successfully resolving difficult situations or obstacles.
Example: “Through teamwork and innovation, we can overcome challenges in our market strategy.”

5. Address Problems

When to use: Appropriate for acknowledging and taking steps to deal with issues or difficulties.
Example: “Management held a meeting to address problems highlighted in the recent audit.”

6. Rectify Problems

When to use: Suitable for correcting or fixing issues that are causing difficulties.
Example: “The engineer’s main responsibility is to rectify problems in the manufacturing process.”

7. Tackle Difficulties

When to use: Ideal for confronting and attempting to solve challenging or complex problems.
Example: “She is known for her ability to tackle difficulties head-on in project management.”

8. Work Out Difficulties

When to use: Used for finding ways to understand and solve problems or disagreements.
Example: “During the workshop, teams collaborated to work out difficulties in cross-departmental communication.”

9. Remediate Issues

When to use: Appropriate for providing solutions or corrections to specific problems, especially in environmental or educational contexts.
Example: “The focus of the meeting is to remediate issues related to client dissatisfaction.”

10. Iron Out Snags

When to use: Suitable for resolving minor issues or complications in plans or processes.
Example: “The development team is meeting to iron out snags in the software’s new update.”

11. Fix Problems

When to use: Ideal for directly resolving or repairing issues or malfunctions.
Example: “Our priority is to fix problems reported by users in the latest app release.”

12. Crack Challenges

When to use: Used for solving difficult problems or overcoming complex challenges.
Example: “The research team is dedicated to cracking challenges related to renewable energy storage.”

13. Unravel Complexities

When to use: Appropriate for making complex or complicated problems clearer and easier to solve.
Example: “The consultant’s role is to help unravel complexities in the company’s international tax structure.”

When to use: Suitable for finding a way through difficulties or challenges, especially in a strategic or careful manner.
Example: “Her expertise in logistics helps the company navigate obstacles in global supply chains.”

15. Sort Out Complications

When to use: Ideal for organizing, resolving, or clarifying complex or intricate problems.
Example: “The new project manager quickly sorted out complications that were delaying progress.”

Linda Brown