What Is Another Way to Say “Family Member”?

Looking for synonyms for family member? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say family member.

  • Relative
  • Kin
  • Blood relation
  • Next of kin
  • Sibling
  • Descendant
  • Ancestor
  • Lineage member
  • Clan member
  • Household member
  • Progeny
  • Offspring
  • Parent
  • Cousin
  • Nephew/Niece
  • Grandparent
  • Grandchild
  • In-law
  • Stepfamily
  • Foster family member

Want to learn how to say family member professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Relative

Used to describe someone who is connected by blood or marriage. It is a general term for family members.

  • Example: “The company’s policy allows employees to take leave for the care of a sick relative.”

2. Kin

A broad term often used to refer to members of an extended family or sometimes close friends who are considered family.

  • Example: “In her autobiography, she dedicates a chapter to her kin, acknowledging their influence on her life.”

3. Blood relation

Refers specifically to family members who are related by blood, highlighting a genetic connection.

  • Example: “The inheritance was divided among his blood relations, as stipulated in his will.”

4. Next of kin

This term is often used in legal contexts to describe the closest living relative(s).

  • Example: “Employees must provide the contact information of a next of kin for emergency situations.”

5. Sibling

Refers specifically to a brother or sister.

  • Example: “She frequently collaborates professionally with her sibling, who is also in the same industry.”

6. Descendant

Used for someone who is a direct offspring of an individual, including children, grandchildren, and so on.

  • Example: “The family business has been passed down to the descendants for several generations.”

7. Ancestor

Refers to family members from previous generations, like grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on.

  • Example: “The company’s founder, an ancestor of the current CEO, established these guiding principles.”

8. Lineage member

Used to denote someone who belongs to a particular family line, often in historical or genealogical contexts.

  • Example: “As a lineage member of a renowned scientific family, her work has been heavily influenced by her forebears.”

9. Clan member

Appropriate for larger family groups, especially in cultural or tribal contexts.

  • Example: “He is a respected clan member, often consulted on matters of tradition and heritage.”

10. Household member

Refers to anyone who resides in the same house, including extended family and non-blood relations.

  • Example: “The survey requires details of each household member, including their ages and occupations.”

11. Progeny

A formal term for children or offspring, often used in legal or formal contexts.

  • Example: “The founder’s progeny remain heavily involved in the company’s operations.”

12. Offspring

A general term for children or the young of a person.

  • Example: “The policy provides educational benefits for the offspring of the employees.”

13. Parent

Refers to a mother or father of a person.

  • Example: “During the family day event, employees are encouraged to bring their parents for a tour of the office.”

14. Cousin

A term for the child of one’s aunt or uncle.

  • Example: “Her cousin, also a prominent lawyer, was instrumental in structuring the company’s legal team.”

15. Nephew/Niece

Refers to the child of one’s sibling or cousin.

  • Example: “He mentioned his niece in his memoir, noting her role in his decision to start a charity.”

16. Grandparent

Refers to the parents of one’s parents.

  • Example: “The CEO often credits his grandparents for instilling in him the values of hard work and integrity.”

17. Grandchild

The child of one’s child.

  • Example: “She set up a trust fund for her grandchildren’s education.”

18. In-law

Refers to a relative by marriage, such as a mother-in-law, brother-in-law, etc.

  • Example: “His brother-in-law, an experienced marketer, helped revamp the company’s branding strategy.”

19. Stepfamily

Relatives formed by marriage without a biological relation, like a stepfather or stepsister.

  • Example: “His stepfamily played a significant role in his upbringing and personal development.”

20. Foster family member

Refers to individuals who are part of a family through foster care arrangements.

  • Example: “The award was given to her by a foster family member, who spoke highly of her contributions to foster care advocacy.”

Linda Brown