What Is Another Way to Say “Piece of Work”?

Looking for synonyms for piece of work? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say piece of work.

  • Project
  • Creation
  • Opus
  • Artifact
  • Masterpiece
  • Composition
  • Product
  • Endeavor
  • Workpiece
  • Handiwork
  • Output
  • Craft
  • Task
  • Achievement
  • Artwork

Want to learn how to say piece of work professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Project

Refers to a planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost and other limitations.

  • Example: The team is currently working on a project to develop a new mobile application.

2. Creation

Used to describe something that has been brought into existence through imaginative skill or artistic ability.

  • Example: Her latest creation is a series of paintings inspired by nature.

3. Opus

Refers to a significant work of music or literature, often numbered or identified in the order of the composer’s or author’s works.

  • Example: Beethoven’s Opus 27, No. 2, also known as the Moonlight Sonata, is one of his most famous compositions.

4. Artifact

Used in the context of something made or given shape by humans, such as a tool or a work of art, especially an object of archaeological interest.

  • Example: The museum’s new exhibit features artifacts from ancient Greece.

5. Masterpiece

Describes a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.

  • Example: Michelangelo’s David is considered a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture.

6. Composition

Refers to a piece of writing, music, or art created by arranging or putting together different elements.

  • Example: The composer’s new composition will premiere at the concert next month.

7. Product

Used to describe something that is produced through a process, either manufactured or created through effort.

  • Example: The company’s latest product is an innovative blend of technology and design.

8. Endeavor

Refers to an attempt to achieve a goal, often implying a significant effort or enterprise.

  • Example: The research endeavor aims to find sustainable energy solutions.

9. Workpiece

Used in manufacturing and industry to describe a piece being worked on, or that requires processing.

  • Example: The machine operator carefully positioned the workpiece for drilling.

10. Handiwork

Describes work done personally with the hands, often implying craftsmanship or artistic effort.

  • Example: The quilt, a beautiful example of her handiwork, won first prize at the fair.

11. Output

Refers to the quantity of something produced by a person, machine, or industry.

  • Example: The writer’s output includes several novels, essays, and short stories.

12. Craft

Used to describe an activity involving skill in making things by hand.

  • Example: The artisan’s craft was evident in the finely woven basket.

13. Task

Refers to a piece of work to be done or undertaken.

  • Example: Completing the report by the deadline was a daunting task.

14. Achievement

Describes something accomplished through great effort, skill, or courage.

  • Example: Climbing Mount Everest was the greatest achievement of her life.

15. Artwork

Used to describe works of art, especially visual art, created by an artist.

  • Example: The gallery’s collection includes artwork from both contemporary and classic artists.

Linda Brown