What Is Another Way to Say “Pick Up”?

Looking for synonyms for pick up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pick up.

  • Collect
  • Gather
  • Retrieve
  • Acquire
  • Lift
  • Grasp
  • Obtain
  • Hoist
  • Grab
  • Take
  • Seize
  • Scoop
  • Snatch
  • Clutch
  • Secure
  • Snag
  • Grapple
  • Apprehend
  • Catch
  • Procure

Want to learn how to say pick up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Collect

Used when gathering items or accumulating things from different places.
Example: “Please collect the reports from each department for the meeting.”

2. Gather

Appropriate for bringing together or assembling things from various sources.
Example: “We need to gather all the client feedback for analysis.”

3. Retrieve

Indicates getting something back, often from a place where it was stored or kept.
Example: “Can you retrieve the files from the archive room?”

4. Acquire

Used when obtaining something, often through a process or effort.
Example: “The company plans to acquire new software to improve productivity.”

5. Lift

Suitable for physically picking something up, especially when raising it to a higher position.
Example: “Please lift the boxes onto the top shelf.”

6. Grasp

Refers to taking hold of something firmly with the hand.
Example: “He quickly grasped the document from the printer.”

7. Obtain

Used for getting or gaining possession of something, usually through a formal process or request.
Example: “We need to obtain permission before accessing these files.”

8. Hoist

Indicates lifting or raising something heavy with effort or mechanical help.
Example: “Hoist the equipment onto the truck for transportation.”

9. Grab

Suitable for quickly taking or seizing something in a hurried or urgent manner.
Example: “Could you grab those binders from the conference room?”

10. Take

A general term for removing something from a place or into one’s possession.
Example: “Take these documents to the auditor’s office.”

11. Seize

Used when taking something forcefully or with authority.
Example: “The company seized the opportunity to expand into new markets.”

12. Scoop

Appropriate for picking something up, especially using a quick, sweeping motion.
Example: “She scooped up the pamphlets that had fallen on the floor.”

13. Snatch

Indicates grabbing or taking something quickly and often abruptly.
Example: “He snatched the last item from the shelf just in time.”

14. Clutch

Refers to gripping or holding something tightly.
Example: “She clutched the proposal as she walked into the meeting room.”

15. Secure

Used for obtaining something with certainty or ensuring possession of it.
Example: “We need to secure more funding for the project.”

16. Snag

Suitable for grabbing or obtaining something quickly or unexpectedly.
Example: “She managed to snag a great deal on office supplies.”

17. Grapple

Indicates struggling to seize or hold onto something.
Example: “He grappled with the heavy boxes in the storeroom.”

18. Apprehend

Used in a formal context for understanding or grasping a concept, or in law enforcement.
Example: “The team failed to apprehend the significance of the new regulations.”

19. Catch

Appropriate for capturing or taking hold of something, often while it’s moving.
Example: “Can you catch the ball of yarn rolling away?”

20. Procure

Indicates obtaining something with care or effort, often for business or formal use.
Example: “The department needs to procure new laptops for the staff.”

Linda Brown