What Is Another Way to Say “Phase Out”?

Looking for synonyms for phase out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say phase out.

  • Gradually eliminate
  • Slowly remove
  • Wind down
  • Taper off
  • Discontinue progressively
  • Ease out
  • Fade out
  • Withdraw gradually
  • Reduce gradually
  • Diminish over time
  • Scale back
  • Cut back
  • Deprecate
  • Phase down
  • Sunset

Want to learn how to say phase out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Gradually Eliminate

“Gradually eliminate” is used when a process or item is being slowly removed over time.

Example: “The company has decided to gradually eliminate the use of paper in its offices.”

2. Slowly Remove

“Slowly remove” implies a deliberate and gradual process of taking something away.

Example: “We are slowly removing outdated equipment from our production line.”

3. Wind Down

“Wind down” is often used when referring to reducing activities or operations towards an end.

Example: “After the project completion, we will start winding down the temporary roles.”

4. Taper Off

“Taper off” means gradually decreasing in intensity, quantity, or scope.

Example: “As the market shifts, we plan to taper off production of certain models.”

5. Discontinue Progressively

“Discontinue progressively” suggests a gradual halt to a process, system, or product.

Example: “The software feature will be discontinued progressively in favor of a new update.”

6. Ease Out

“Ease out” implies a gentle or gradual removal, often used in the context of personnel or processes.

Example: “The older software systems will be eased out as we introduce more advanced technology.”

7. Fade Out

“Fade out” is used to describe a gradual decline until something becomes obsolete or disappears.

Example: “The use of the legacy system will fade out as the new platform becomes fully operational.”

8. Withdraw Gradually

“Withdraw gradually” means to slowly pull something back or remove it.

Example: “We will withdraw gradually our investment in the declining market sector.”

9. Reduce Gradually

“Reduce gradually” involves a step-by-step decrease in size, number, or extent.

Example: “The company will reduce gradually its reliance on non-renewable energy sources.”

10. Diminish Over Time

“Diminish over time” indicates a gradual decrease or reduction in importance or prevalence.

Example: “The influence of traditional advertising methods has diminished over time.”

11. Scale Back

“Scale back” means to reduce in size or amount, especially of a plan or project.

Example: “Due to budget constraints, we need to scale back our expansion plans.”

12. Cut Back

“Cut back” is a more abrupt way of saying to reduce, often in the context of costs or expenses.

Example: “The company will cut back on travel expenses as part of cost-saving measures.”

13. Deprecate

“Deprecate” in a professional context usually refers to discouraging the use of a feature in favor of newer ones.

Example: “Older versions of the software will be deprecated in the upcoming release.”

14. Phase Down

“Phase down” is similar to “phase out” but may imply a more controlled or slower process.

Example: “The organization will phase down its use of freelancers as full-time hires increase.”

15. Sunset

“Sunset” is a term often used in technology and law to indicate that something is being phased out or terminated.

Example: “The current licensing model will be sunsetted by the end of the year.”

Linda Brown