What Is Another Way to Say “Pertaining To”?

Looking for synonyms for pertaining to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say pertaining to.

  • Regarding
  • Concerning
  • Related to
  • Relevant to
  • Connected to
  • In relation to
  • With respect to
  • In reference to
  • With regard to
  • Applicable to
  • Associated with
  • In the context of
  • Relating to
  • In connection with
  • Pertinent to

Want to learn how to say pertaining to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Regarding

Used to introduce a subject or topic of discussion.

  • Example: The meeting scheduled for tomorrow is regarding the upcoming product launch.

2. Concerning

Used to indicate something that involves or affects a particular subject.

  • Example: There are several new regulations concerning data privacy that we need to comply with.

Indicates a connection or relevance to the topic at hand.

  • Example: She presented findings related to the effectiveness of the new marketing strategy.

4. Relevant to

Used to describe information or subjects that are directly connected to the matter being discussed.

  • Example: Please ensure all questions are relevant to the agenda items.

5. Connected to

Indicates a direct link or association with a particular subject or issue.

  • Example: The research is connected to the recent trends in consumer behavior.

6. In relation to

Refers to the relationship or correlation between two or more things.

  • Example: The report outlines our financial performance in relation to market expectations.

7. With respect to

Used to specify the particular aspect or detail being discussed.

  • Example: With respect to your query, the department will provide a detailed response by next week.

8. In reference to

Used when mentioning or alluding to a specific piece of information or detail.

  • Example: In reference to your earlier point, we have already initiated corrective measures.

9. With regard to

Similar to “with respect to,” it introduces a specific topic or area of discussion.

  • Example: With regard to the budget shortfall, several cost-saving measures have been proposed.

10. Applicable to

Indicates that something is relevant or suitable for a particular situation, person, or condition.

  • Example: The new policy is applicable to all employees, including remote workers.

11. Associated with

Refers to something that is linked or related in some way to another thing.

  • Example: The symptoms associated with this condition include fever and fatigue.

12. In the context of

Used to clarify that a statement or idea is being considered within a specific framework or situation.

  • Example: In the context of global markets, our investment strategy needs to be more diversified.

13. Relating to

Used to establish a connection or relevance between two or more concepts.

  • Example: The upcoming seminar is relating to advancements in renewable energy technologies.

14. In connection with

Indicates a relationship or association between things, often used in legal or formal contexts.

  • Example: The suspect was arrested in connection with the recent burglaries.

15. Pertinent to

Refers to something that is of direct relevance or importance to the matter at hand.

  • Example: The documents pertinent to the case were submitted to the court for review.

Linda Brown