What Is Another Way to Say “Okay”?

Looking for synonyms for okay? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say okay.

  • Acceptable
  • Fine
  • Adequate
  • Satisfactory
  • All right
  • Decent
  • Passable
  • Reasonable
  • Tolerable
  • Sufficient
  • Good
  • Agreeable
  • Fair
  • Up to par
  • Up to standard
  • Not bad
  • Average
  • Mediocre
  • Unobjectionable
  • Suitable

Want to learn how to say okay professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Acceptable

When to use: For something that meets a basic level of approval or adequacy.
Example: “The report was acceptable, but I think you can add more detailed analysis.”

2. Fine

When to use: Suitable for something that is good enough or satisfactory.
Example: “Your presentation was fine, it covered all the essential points.”

3. Adequate

When to use: When something fulfills a requirement or need, albeit at a basic level.
Example: “The facilities are adequate for our current operations.”

4. Satisfactory

When to use: Appropriate for something that meets expectations or requirements.
Example: “The results of the marketing campaign were satisfactory, with a decent return on investment.”

5. All right

When to use: For a situation or outcome that is generally okay or satisfactory.
Example: “The meeting went all right, though we have a few issues to follow up on.”

6. Decent

When to use: Suitable for something that is fair or adequate in quality.
Example: “He did a decent job on the project, considering the tight deadline.”

7. Passable

When to use: When something is just good enough to be acceptable.
Example: “The prototype is passable, but it needs more refinement before the final release.”

8. Reasonable

When to use: Appropriate for something that is fair, sensible, or moderate.
Example: “Her proposal is reasonable and should be considered by the team.”

9. Tolerable

When to use: For a situation or outcome that is bearable, even if not ideal.
Example: “The working conditions are tolerable, but improvements would be welcome.”

10. Sufficient

When to use: Suitable for what is necessary or adequate.
Example: “The data provided is sufficient for the analysis phase of the project.”

11. Good

When to use: For something that is satisfactory or of a reasonably high standard.
Example: “Your performance this quarter has been good, showing noticeable improvement.”

12. Agreeable

When to use: Appropriate for something that is pleasant or acceptable.
Example: “The terms of the agreement are agreeable to both parties.”

13. Fair

When to use: Suitable for something that is reasonable or average in quality.
Example: “The workload distribution among the team members is fair.”

14. Up to par

When to use: When something meets the expected or desired standard.
Example: “His recent work has been up to par with the high standards of the department.”

15. Up to standard

When to use: Appropriate for something that meets established norms or requirements.
Example: “The quality of the product is up to standard and ready for market release.”

16. Not bad

When to use: Informally used to describe something that is moderately good or satisfactory.
Example: “The results were not bad, considering the challenges we faced.”

17. Average

When to use: Suitable for something that is of a usual or typical standard.
Example: “Her performance this year has been average, meeting the basic requirements.”

18. Mediocre

When to use: For something that is of only moderate quality; not very good.
Example: “The project outcome was mediocre and did not fully meet our expectations.”

19. Unobjectionable

When to use: Appropriate for something that is not likely to provoke objection or disapproval.
Example: “The plan is unobjectionable, though it lacks innovative features.”

20. Suitable

When to use: Suitable for something that meets the requirements or fits the purpose.
Example: “The proposed solution is suitable for resolving the current issue.”

Linda Brown