What Is Another Way to Say “Not Taken Seriously”?

Looking for synonyms for not taken seriously? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not taken seriously.

  • Dismissed
  • Overlooked
  • Disregarded
  • Undervalued
  • Ignored
  • Minimized
  • Underestimated
  • Belittled
  • Trivialized
  • Discounted
  • Neglected
  • Scoffed at
  • Downplayed
  • Brushed off
  • Laughed off

Want to learn how to say not taken seriously professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Dismissed

Used when an idea or suggestion is rejected or not given proper consideration.

  • Example: “Her innovative proposal was quickly dismissed by the board as being too radical.”

2. Overlooked

Appropriate for situations where something is not noticed or given attention.

  • Example: “His contributions to the project were consistently overlooked in team meetings.”

3. Disregarded

Used when advice, rules, or facts are ignored or not considered.

  • Example: “The safety concerns raised by the engineer were completely disregarded.”

4. Undervalued

Suitable for instances where something’s worth or importance is not recognized or appreciated.

  • Example: “The team felt undervalued despite consistently exceeding their targets.”

5. Ignored

Used when something is intentionally not considered or acknowledged.

  • Example: “Her warnings about potential risks in the plan were ignored.”

6. Minimized

Appropriate when the importance or severity of an issue is downplayed.

  • Example: “The manager minimized the extent of the problem in his report to the executives.”

7. Underestimated

Used when the abilities, potential, or importance of someone or something are underestimated.

  • Example: “The competition’s capabilities were severely underestimated.”

8. Belittled

Suitable for situations where someone or something is made to seem less important or less valuable.

  • Example: “His experience was belittled during the interview, making him feel undervalued.”

9. Trivialized

Used when something serious is treated as if it is not important.

  • Example: “The environmental concerns were trivialized in favor of quicker production times.”

10. Discounted

Appropriate for situations where opinions or ideas are dismissed or considered unimportant.

  • Example: “Employee feedback on work conditions was frequently discounted by management.”

11. Neglected

Used when proper care or attention is not given to something important.

  • Example: “Staff training has been neglected in the rush to meet project deadlines.”

12. Scoffed at

Suitable for describing a situation where an idea or person is mocked or treated with scorn.

  • Example: “Her suggestion for improving efficiency was scoffed at during the meeting.”

13. Downplayed

Used when the importance or severity of something is intentionally made to seem less than it is.

  • Example: “The difficulties encountered during the project were downplayed in the final report.”

14. Brushed off

Appropriate when concerns or ideas are dismissed casually or carelessly.

  • Example: “The customer’s complaints were simply brushed off by the service team.”

15. Laughed off

Used when something is treated as a joke or not taken seriously, often in a dismissive manner.

  • Example: “His proposal for a new marketing strategy was laughed off by his colleagues.”

Linda Brown