What Is Another Way to Say “Not Nice”?

Looking for synonyms for not nice? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say not nice.

  • Unpleasant
  • Rude
  • Disagreeable
  • Unkind
  • Mean
  • Discourteous
  • Inconsiderate
  • Nasty
  • Harsh
  • Unfriendly
  • Off-putting
  • Malicious
  • Unwelcoming
  • Abrasive
  • Hostile

Want to learn how to say not nice professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unpleasant

Used to describe something that is not enjoyable or agreeable.

  • Example: “The meeting environment was unpleasant due to the heated arguments.”

2. Rude

Appropriate for describing behavior that is impolite or disrespectful.

  • Example: “His rude comments during the presentation were noted by the management.”

3. Disagreeable

Used for situations or individuals that are not pleasant or enjoyable.

  • Example: “The client was quite disagreeable, making unreasonable demands.”

4. Unkind

Suitable for actions or words that are not friendly, sympathetic, or considerate.

  • Example: “Her unkind remarks about her colleague’s performance were unwarranted.”

5. Mean

Used to describe behavior that is unkind, spiteful, or unfair.

  • Example: “It was mean of him to criticize the team’s effort publicly.”

6. Discourteous

Appropriate for behavior that lacks courtesy or good manners.

  • Example: “His discourteous interruption during the meeting was frowned upon.”

7. Inconsiderate

Used to describe actions that show a lack of consideration for others.

  • Example: “Leaving all the work to her assistant was inconsiderate and unprofessional.”

8. Nasty

Suitable for behavior or remarks that are hurtful, unpleasant, or offensive.

  • Example: “The manager’s nasty attitude during the evaluation created a tense atmosphere.”

9. Harsh

Used to describe actions or words that are excessively severe or unkind.

  • Example: “His harsh criticism of the project was not well-received by the team.”

10. Unfriendly

Appropriate for behavior that is not supportive, amicable, or warm.

  • Example: “The unfriendly tone of the email made the staff feel uncomfortable.”

11. Off-putting

Used for behavior or situations that are repellent or disconcerting.

  • Example: “Her off-putting demeanor during the interview left a bad impression.”

12. Malicious

Suitable for actions or words intended to harm someone or their reputation.

  • Example: “Spreading malicious rumors in the workplace is unacceptable.”

13. Unwelcoming

Used to describe an environment or attitude that is not inviting or friendly.

  • Example: “The unwelcoming reception at the new office made it hard to settle in.”

14. Abrasive

Appropriate for behavior that is harsh or showing little concern for others’ feelings.

  • Example: “His abrasive manner in meetings often stifles open discussion.”

15. Hostile

Used to describe an environment or behavior that is antagonistic or unfriendly.

  • Example: “The hostile attitude of the supervisor created a toxic work environment.”

Linda Brown