What Is Another Way to Say “Meta-Analysis”?

Looking for synonyms for meta-analysis? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say meta-analysis.

  • Systematic review
  • Data synthesis
  • Research synthesis
  • Quantitative review
  • Pooled analysis
  • Statistical aggregation
  • Combined analysis
  • Integrative review
  • Comprehensive review
  • Aggregated data analysis
  • Evidence synthesis
  • Collated research
  • Summary analysis
  • Overview analysis
  • Comparative analysis

Want to learn how to say meta-analysis professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Systematic Review

When to use: When describing a methodical and comprehensive literature review on a specific topic.
Example: “The systematic review of clinical trials revealed new insights into cancer treatment effectiveness.”

2. Data Synthesis

When to use: Appropriate for describing the process of combining data from different sources to form a comprehensive conclusion.
Example: “Data synthesis from multiple epidemiological studies helped us understand the disease patterns more clearly.”

3. Research Synthesis

When to use: Use when combining results from several studies to derive a general understanding of a field.
Example: “The research synthesis provided a broader perspective on the effectiveness of different educational interventions.”

4. Quantitative Review

When to use: When emphasizing the numerical or statistical analysis aspect of a meta-analysis.
Example: “A quantitative review of patient data helped identify key risk factors for the illness.”

5. Pooled Analysis

When to use: Suitable for situations where data from individual studies are combined or ‘pooled’ together for analysis.
Example: “Pooled analysis of clinical trials led to more robust conclusions about the drug’s efficacy.”

6. Statistical Aggregation

When to use: When describing the process of combining statistical results from multiple studies.
Example: “Statistical aggregation of survey data provided insights into consumer behavior trends.”

7. Combined Analysis

When to use: Appropriate when various study findings are merged into a single comprehensive analysis.
Example: “The combined analysis of the experimental data yielded conclusive results about the new technology.”

8. Integrative Review

When to use: When emphasizing the integration of both theoretical and empirical literature.
Example: “An integrative review of the literature helped establish a new theoretical framework for our study.”

9. Comprehensive Review

When to use: Suitable for a thorough and all-encompassing review and analysis of literature on a subject.
Example: “The comprehensive review of the financial markets trends provided valuable insights for investors.”

10. Aggregated Data Analysis

When to use: When referring to the process of analyzing data that has been compiled from multiple sources.
Example: “Aggregated data analysis from global weather stations is crucial for accurate climate change modeling.”

11. Evidence Synthesis

When to use: Appropriate for describing the amalgamation of data from various sources to form an evidence-based conclusion.
Example: “Evidence synthesis was employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the new public health intervention.”

12. Collated Research

When to use: When summarizing and combining research from various studies into a single report.
Example: “Collated research from different laboratories helped in advancing our understanding of the genetic disorder.”

13. Summary Analysis

When to use: Use when providing a summarized view of research findings from multiple studies.
Example: “The summary analysis of the economic reports indicated a trend towards market stabilization.”

14. Overview Analysis

When to use: Suitable for providing a general overview or summary of research findings in a particular field.
Example: “An overview analysis of the data revealed the primary factors influencing urban development.”

15. Comparative Analysis

When to use: When comparing and contrasting results from different studies.
Example: “A comparative analysis of the treatment methods showed that approach A is more effective than approach B.”

Linda Brown