What Is Another Way to Say “Make Sense”?

Looking for synonyms for make sense? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say make sense.

  • Understandable
  • Logical
  • Rational
  • Reasonable
  • Coherent
  • Comprehensible
  • Plausible
  • Consistent
  • Intuitive
  • Clear
  • Persuasive
  • Convincing
  • Lucid
  • Sound
  • Valid

Want to learn how to say make sense professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Understandable

Appropriate Use: When something is clear and easy to grasp or comprehend.
Example: “The new guidelines are understandable and easy for all employees to follow.”

2. Logical

Appropriate Use: When an idea or argument is structured in a reasoned and coherent way.
Example: “His approach to solving the issue is very logical and well thought out.”

3. Rational

Appropriate Use: When a decision or argument is based on reason or sound judgment.
Example: “It’s rational to invest more in renewable energy resources at this stage.”

4. Reasonable

Appropriate Use: When an idea, argument, or price seems fair and sensible.
Example: “The terms of the contract seem reasonable and beneficial to both parties.”

5. Coherent

Appropriate Use: When something is logical and consistent.
Example: “Her presentation was coherent and effectively conveyed the project’s objectives.”

6. Comprehensible

Appropriate Use: When something can be understood or grasped mentally.
Example: “The technical manual should be comprehensible to users of all skill levels.”

7. Plausible

Appropriate Use: When an idea or explanation seems likely to be true or valid.
Example: “His explanation for the delay is plausible, given the circumstances.”

8. Consistent

Appropriate Use: When an argument or behavior does not contain any contradictions.
Example: “The company has maintained a consistent growth rate over the past five years.”

9. Intuitive

Appropriate Use: When something is easy to understand or operate without explicit instruction.
Example: “The user interface of the software is intuitive and user-friendly.”

10. Clear

Appropriate Use: When information or an explanation is easy to understand, with no ambiguity.
Example: “The objectives for this quarter were made clear in the meeting.”

11. Persuasive

Appropriate Use: When an argument is convincing and able to persuade others.
Example: “His persuasive argument won the support of the board for the new initiative.”

12. Convincing

Appropriate Use: When an argument or evidence is strong enough to make others believe or agree.
Example: “The data presented in the report was convincing and led to immediate action.”

13. Lucid

Appropriate Use: When something is expressed clearly and is easy to understand.
Example: “Her lucid explanation clarified the complex process for everyone.”

14. Sound

Appropriate Use: When an argument, theory, or judgment is based on solid reasoning or information.
Example: “His decision was based on sound financial principles.”

15. Valid

Appropriate Use: When an argument or point is logically sound and well-founded.
Example: “The concerns raised by the auditor are valid and require immediate attention.”

Linda Brown