What Is Another Way to Say “Less Likely”?

Looking for synonyms for less likely? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say less likely.

  • Unlikely
  • Improbable
  • Less probable
  • Not as likely
  • Less apt
  • Less prone
  • Less inclined
  • Less disposed
  • Less susceptible
  • Less predisposed
  • Less expected
  • Rarely
  • Seldom
  • Infrequently
  • Not prone

Want to learn how to say less likely professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unlikely

Usage: Suitable for something that is not likely to happen or be the case.
Example: “It’s unlikely that the new regulation will impact our current project timeline.”

2. Improbable

Usage: Ideal for something that has a low probability of occurring.
Example: “The chances of this experimental approach succeeding are improbable, but not impossible.”

3. Less Probable

Usage: Appropriate for a situation that has a decreased likelihood compared to others.
Example: “Given the market data, a rapid recovery seems less probable.”

4. Not as Likely

Usage: Used to compare and indicate a lower probability.
Example: “With the budget cuts, expanding our team this quarter is not as likely.”

5. Less Apt

Usage: Suitable for someone or something less inclined or prone to a particular outcome or behavior.
Example: “Employees with flexible schedules are less apt to experience burnout.”

6. Less Prone

Usage: Ideal for indicating a lower tendency or susceptibility.
Example: “Mature markets are less prone to volatile shifts than emerging markets.”

7. Less Inclined

Usage: Appropriate for a reduced tendency or willingness to do something.
Example: “After the recent scandal, investors are less inclined to put their money into the company.”

8. Less Disposed

Usage: Used when someone is less willing or prepared to do something.
Example: “Managers are less disposed to take risks in an uncertain economic climate.”

9. Less Susceptible

Usage: Suitable for a decreased likelihood of being influenced or harmed by something.
Example: “Well-established brands are often less susceptible to market fluctuations.”

10. Less Predisposed

Usage: Ideal for a lower natural tendency or inclination.
Example: “Traditional industries are less predisposed to adopt radical innovations quickly.”

11. Less Expected

Usage: Appropriate for outcomes that are less anticipated or foreseen.
Example: “A decrease in consumer demand at this time of year is less expected.”

12. Rarely

Usage: Used for something that happens infrequently.
Example: “Such errors in the production line rarely occur with our updated protocols.”

13. Seldom

Usage: Suitable for events or occurrences that happen only at infrequent intervals.
Example: “Seldom do we encounter such challenging market conditions.”

14. Infrequently

Usage: Ideal for occurrences that do not happen often.
Example: “Infrequently, the software may require manual intervention to resolve syncing issues.”

15. Not Prone

Usage: Appropriate for indicating a low tendency or likelihood of something happening.
Example: “Employees in a positive work environment are not prone to high stress levels.”

Linda Brown