What Is Another Way to Say “Join Together”?

Looking for synonyms for join together? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say join together.

  • Unite
  • Merge
  • Combine
  • Integrate
  • Fuse
  • Blend
  • Converge
  • Coalesce
  • Amalgamate
  • Consolidate
  • Mingle
  • Mix
  • Link
  • Connect
  • Associate
  • Marry
  • Team up
  • Pair up
  • Band together
  • Pool resources

Want to learn how to say join together professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Unite

When to use: Best used in contexts where there is a sense of coming together for a common cause or purpose.
Example: “The two departments decided to unite their efforts to improve the overall workflow.”

2. Merge

When to use: Suitable for formal contexts, often in business or technology, where two entities are combined into one.
Example: “The companies agreed to merge their research teams to accelerate development.”

3. Combine

When to use: Appropriate in both formal and informal settings, often when bringing together different elements or aspects.
Example: “We should combine our marketing and sales strategies for better results.”

4. Integrate

When to use: Used in professional settings where elements are not just combined but made to work together seamlessly.
Example: “Integrating the new software into our existing system will enhance productivity.”

5. Fuse

When to use: Ideal for situations where two or more elements are joined to form a single entity, often used in technical or artistic contexts.
Example: “The project will fuse innovative design with advanced technology.”

6. Blend

When to use: Suitable for instances where different elements are mixed together smoothly, often in creative or culinary fields.
Example: “We need to blend our design aesthetics to create a cohesive brand image.”

7. Converge

When to use: Appropriate in professional contexts where ideas, paths, or trends meet or come together.
Example: “The conference is a place where experts from various fields converge to share knowledge.”

8. Coalesce

When to use: Best in formal settings where things come together to form one mass or whole.
Example: “The team’s ideas began to coalesce into a solid plan.”

9. Amalgamate

When to use: Suitable for business or legal contexts, implying a thorough combination into a unified structure.
Example: “The departments will amalgamate to streamline the company’s operations.”

10. Consolidate

When to use: Often used in financial or business contexts where combining resources or entities for efficiency.
Example: “We should consolidate our branch offices to reduce overhead costs.”

11. Mingle

When to use: Best used in social or networking contexts, implying a casual mixing or interaction.
Example: “The event provided a chance for professionals to mingle and exchange ideas.”

12. Mix

When to use: Appropriate in various contexts, from cooking to business, for combining different elements.
Example: “We need to mix our traditional methods with innovative strategies.”

When to use: Suitable in technological or communication contexts, indicating a connection or relation.
Example: “The new software will link all the departmental databases.”

14. Connect

When to use: Applicable in various contexts, from social to technical, indicating a joining or association.
Example: “We aim to connect our network with international partners.”

15. Associate

When to use: Best in business or academic contexts, implying a formal partnership or relationship.
Example: “She will associate with the firm to bring her expertise to the team.”

16. Marry

When to use: Often used metaphorically in professional contexts to denote a close union or fusion.
Example: “This approach marries cutting-edge technology with traditional methods.”

17. Team up

When to use: Appropriate in collaborative contexts, indicating working together towards a common goal.
Example: “We decided to team up with another company for this project.”

18. Pair up

When to use: Suitable in contexts where two individuals or entities are working together closely.
Example: “For this assignment, we will pair up developers with designers.”

19. Band together

When to use: Best used in situations where a group unites for a common purpose or cause.
Example: “The employees banded together to propose improvements.”

20. Pool resources

When to use: Ideal in business or community contexts, implying the combining of assets or funds for greater efficiency.
Example: “We should pool our resources to fund the new initiative.”

Linda Brown