What Is Another Way to Say “It Makes Sense”?

Looking for synonyms for it makes sense? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say it makes sense.

  • It’s logical
  • It’s reasonable
  • It’s understandable
  • It adds up
  • It’s coherent
  • It’s consistent
  • It’s clear
  • It’s rational
  • It’s plausible
  • It’s justified
  • It’s sensible
  • It’s sound
  • It’s valid
  • It stands to reason
  • It’s well-founded

Want to learn how to say it makes sense professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. It’s logical

Use when referring to something that is based on clear, sound reasoning.
Example: It’s logical for the company to expand into international markets given its domestic success.

2. It’s reasonable

Use when describing a conclusion or action that is sensible and fair.
Example: It’s reasonable to assume that the new marketing strategy will increase sales.

3. It’s understandable

Use when referring to something that can be comprehended or grasped easily.
Example: It’s understandable that the team needs more time to complete the project given its complexity.

4. It adds up

Use when different pieces of information come together to form a coherent whole.
Example: Given the evidence, their theory on consumer behavior really adds up.

5. It’s coherent

Use to describe something logically connected and consistent.
Example: The proposal is coherent and well-structured, covering all the necessary points.

6. It’s consistent

Use to describe something that does not contain any contradictions and is in alignment with other facts or behaviors.
Example: The company’s growth over the past five years has been consistent with market trends.

7. It’s clear

Use when something is easy to understand or free from confusion.
Example: It’s clear that investing in renewable energy will benefit the company in the long run.

8. It’s rational

Use to describe a conclusion or decision based on logical reasoning.
Example: The decision to diversify the product line is rational in light of fluctuating market demands.

9. It’s plausible

Use when an explanation or theory seems likely to be true or valid.
Example: It’s plausible that the decrease in sales is due to increased competition.

10. It’s justified

Use to indicate that something is done with a good or valid reason.
Example: The budget cuts are justified given the company’s current financial situation.

11. It’s sensible

Use to describe a decision or approach that is practical and based on good judgment.
Example: It’s sensible to conduct a risk assessment before launching the new project.

12. It’s sound

Use to describe something that is based on solid, reliable evidence or reasoning.
Example: The strategy is sound, combining data-driven insights with industry expertise.

13. It’s valid

Use to describe an argument or point that is logical and well-founded.
Example: Her assessment of the market conditions is valid and should be considered.

14. It stands to reason

Use to say that something is a logical conclusion.
Example: It stands to reason that improving customer service will lead to higher client retention rates.

15. It’s well-founded

Use to describe a belief or argument that is based on good evidence or information.
Example: The CEO’s optimism about the company’s future is well-founded, given its recent performance.

Linda Brown