What Is Another Way to Say “I Feel”?

Looking for synonyms for i feel? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say i feel.

  • I believe
  • I think
  • I sense
  • I perceive
  • It seems to me
  • I am of the opinion
  • In my view
  • I hold the belief
  • I am inclined to think
  • To my mind
  • In my estimation
  • It appears to me
  • From my perspective
  • I ascertain
  • I deduce
  • I conclude
  • I surmise
  • It strikes me
  • I am under the impression
  • In my experience

Want to learn how to say i feel professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. I Believe

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a personal conviction or opinion.
Example: “I believe that our team has the potential to lead the market.”

2. I Think

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing a personal opinion or thought process.
Example: “I think we should invest more in research and development.”

3. I Sense

Appropriate Use: Used when expressing an intuition or a feeling about something.
Example: “I sense that there may be some challenges with the proposed strategy.”

4. I Perceive

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing how one understands or interprets a situation.
Example: “I perceive a growing demand for our services in the market.”

5. It Seems to Me

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing a personal observation or impression.
Example: “It seems to me that we need to change our marketing approach.”

6. I Am of the Opinion

Appropriate Use: Used when stating a personal belief or judgment.
Example: “I am of the opinion that this merger will benefit our company in the long run.”

7. In My View

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a personal perspective or standpoint.
Example: “In my view, adopting sustainable practices will enhance our brand image.”

8. I Hold the Belief

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing a firmly held personal belief.
Example: “I hold the belief that continuous learning is key to professional growth.”

9. I Am Inclined to Think

Appropriate Use: Used when leaning towards a particular thought or opinion.
Example: “I am inclined to think that remote work options increase employee satisfaction.”

10. To My Mind

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a personal way of thinking.
Example: “To my mind, effective communication is vital for team success.”

11. In My Estimation

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing an opinion based on one’s judgment or assessment.
Example: “In my estimation, the project will take at least six months to complete.”

12. It Appears to Me

Appropriate Use: Used for expressing how something seems or looks to the speaker.
Example: “It appears to me that our competitor is focusing heavily on digital marketing.”

13. From My Perspective

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a viewpoint based on personal experience or position.
Example: “From my perspective, customer feedback is crucial for product improvement.”

14. I Ascertain

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing a conclusion reached after observation or investigation.
Example: “I ascertain that the market trends favor our new product line.”

15. I Deduce

Appropriate Use: Used for expressing a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning.
Example: “Based on the data, I deduce that there is a significant opportunity for growth in Asia.”

16. I Conclude

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a decision or opinion formed after consideration.
Example: “I conclude that investing in renewable energy will benefit us in the long term.”

17. I Surmise

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing an opinion that is formed without complete evidence.
Example: “I surmise that the new regulations will impact our overseas operations.”

18. It Strikes Me

Appropriate Use: Used for expressing a thought or idea that suddenly comes to mind.
Example: “It strikes me that we haven’t fully explored the potential of this market.”

19. I Am Under the Impression

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a belief based on what seems to be true.
Example: “I am under the impression that the team is fully committed to the project.”

20. In My Experience

Appropriate Use: Ideal for expressing an opinion based on one’s own personal experience.
Example: “In my experience, transparent communication fosters a better work environment.”

Linda Brown