What Is Another Way to Say “Good Example”?

Looking for synonyms for good example? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say good example.

  • Role model
  • Exemplar
  • Paragon
  • Ideal
  • Epitome
  • Standard
  • Prototype
  • Blueprint
  • Benchmark
  • Archetype
  • Template
  • Quintessence
  • Pinnacle
  • Model
  • Guide
  • Icon
  • Yardstick
  • Embodiment
  • Precursor
  • Pattern

Want to learn how to say good example professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Role Model

Used to describe someone whose behavior, example, or success is or can be emulated by others.

  • Example: “The CEO is a role model for aspiring young entrepreneurs in the industry.”

2. Exemplar

Refers to a person or thing serving as a typical example or excellent model.

  • Example: “She is considered an exemplar of integrity and ethical conduct in the workplace.”

3. Paragon

Used for someone or something regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality.

  • Example: “In the field of scientific research, he is a paragon of innovation.”

4. Ideal

Refers to a person or thing considered as a perfect example worthy of imitation.

  • Example: “The company’s commitment to sustainability makes it an ideal for other businesses to follow.”

5. Epitome

Used to describe a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.

  • Example: “She is the epitome of professionalism in her dealings with clients.”

6. Standard

Refers to something used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations.

  • Example: “His work ethic sets the standard for the entire team.”

7. Prototype

Used to describe the original or primary model of something from which others are copied or developed.

  • Example: “The prototype of their innovative product became a reference in the tech industry.”

8. Blueprint

Refers to a design, pattern, or plan used as a guide for making something.

  • Example: “Their business strategy became a blueprint for startup success.”

9. Benchmark

Used to describe a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared or assessed.

  • Example: “The company’s success in customer service has become a benchmark in the industry.”

10. Archetype

Refers to a very typical example of a certain person or thing.

  • Example: “His leadership style is considered the archetype for modern CEOs.”

11. Template

Used to describe a model or standard used as a guide for designing or creating something.

  • Example: “The project plan she developed has been used as a template for future initiatives.”

12. Quintessence

Refers to the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

  • Example: “This policy is the quintessence of what our company stands for.”

13. Pinnacle

Used to describe the most successful, powerful, or highest point in something.

  • Example: “His invention is seen as the pinnacle of technological advancement.”

14. Model

Refers to a system or thing used as an example to follow or imitate.

  • Example: “The model of their corporate culture is admired by many in the sector.”

15. Guide

Used to describe something that helps to form an opinion or make a decision.

  • Example: “Her book is a guide for new entrepreneurs starting out in the business world.”

16. Icon

Refers to a person or thing regarded as a representative symbol or as worthy of veneration.

  • Example: “In the world of fashion, she is an icon of elegance and style.”

17. Yardstick

Used to describe a standard used for comparison.

  • Example: “His achievements in the industry have become the yardstick by which others are measured.”

18. Embodiment

Refers to a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling.

  • Example: “He is the embodiment of hard work and perseverance.”

19. Precursor

Used to describe a person or thing that comes before another of the same kind and leads to or influences its development.

  • Example: “Their early work was a precursor to many modern technologies.”

20. Pattern

Refers to a model or example used for imitation.

  • Example: “The pattern set by her leadership has greatly influenced the company’s culture.”

Linda Brown