What Is Another Way to Say “Give You a Heads-Up”?

Looking for synonyms for give you a heads-up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say give you a heads-up.

  • Alert you
  • Inform you
  • Notify you
  • Advise you
  • Forewarn you
  • Tip you off
  • Update you
  • Give you notice
  • Make you aware
  • Signal you
  • Clue you in
  • Fill you in
  • Brief you
  • Warn you
  • Caution you

Want to learn how to say give you a heads-up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Alert You

When to use: Ideal for drawing attention to an important or urgent issue.
Example: I need to alert you to the changes in the project deadline.

2. Inform You

When to use: Suitable for providing information or knowledge about something.
Example: I wanted to inform you of the upcoming changes in the company’s policy.

3. Notify You

When to use: Used when formally or officially communicating information.
Example: We will notify you once the application process is complete.

4. Advise You

When to use: Appropriate for offering guidance or recommendations.
Example: I would like to advise you of the potential risks involved in this investment.

5. Forewarn You

When to use: Suitable for warning in advance about a possible danger or problem.
Example: I need to forewarn you about the upcoming system maintenance this weekend.

6. Tip You Off

When to use: Informal, used for providing privileged or insider information.
Example: I wanted to tip you off about the likely increase in market demand.

7. Update You

When to use: Ideal for providing the latest information or news.
Example: Let me update you on the progress of the marketing campaign.

8. Give You Notice

When to use: Used when formally announcing or alerting to something.
Example: We’ll give you notice before implementing the new software updates.

9. Make You Aware

When to use: Suitable for bringing something to someone’s attention.
Example: I need to make you aware of the discrepancies found in the report.

10. Signal You

When to use: Ideal for indicating or giving a sign about something.
Example: I will signal you when it’s time to present your section in the meeting.

11. Clue You In

When to use: Informal, used for making someone aware of something not widely known.
Example: Let me clue you in on the strategy we discussed in the last board meeting.

12. Fill You In

When to use: Used for providing detailed information about something.
Example: I’ll fill you in on the details of the new partnership.

13. Brief You

When to use: Suitable for giving a short summary or information.
Example: We need to brief you on the current status of the negotiations.

14. Warn You

When to use: Ideal for alerting someone about a danger or potential problem.
Example: I must warn you that the project is running behind schedule.

15. Caution You

When to use: Used for advising care or restraint in a specific situation.
Example: I would like to caution you about the potential conflicts of interest in this deal.

Linda Brown