What Is Another Way to Say “Figure It Out”?

Looking for synonyms for figure it out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say figure it out.

  • Solve
  • Decipher
  • Unravel
  • Work out
  • Deduce
  • Crack
  • Resolve
  • Dissect
  • Elucidate
  • Untangle
  • Decode
  • Fathom
  • Clarify
  • Piece together
  • Comprehend
  • Analyze
  • Interpret
  • Disentangle
  • Ascertain
  • Demystify

Want to learn how to say figure it out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Solve

Used in contexts where a problem, puzzle, or complex situation needs to be figured out.

  • Example: “The team worked diligently to solve the unexpected challenges during the product launch.”

2. Decipher

Appropriate for situations where something difficult to understand needs to be made clear.

  • Example: “She managed to decipher the complex code in the software, leading to a breakthrough in the project.”

3. Unravel

Used when dealing with a complicated or knotty problem that needs to be made clear or separated into understandable elements.

  • Example: “The auditor took weeks to unravel the company’s complicated financial statements.”

4. Work out

Suitable for finding a solution to a problem or understanding something through effort.

  • Example: “After several meetings, they were able to work out the logistics of the new partnership.”

5. Deduce

Used in the context of reaching a logical conclusion from the available information.

  • Example: “From the market trends, the analyst deduced that there would be an increase in demand for the product.”

6. Crack

Ideal for a challenging problem or puzzle that requires a clever or unconventional solution.

  • Example: “It took months, but our team finally cracked the algorithm that was hindering the software’s performance.”

7. Resolve

Used when finding a solution or answer to a conflict, dispute, or complicated issue.

  • Example: “The mediator helped resolve the dispute between the two departments.”

8. Dissect

Appropriate for examining or analyzing something complex in great detail.

  • Example: “The research team dissected the data from the experiment to find the underlying patterns.”

9. Elucidate

Ideal for making something that is hard to understand clear or easy to understand.

  • Example: “His presentation helped elucidate the company’s strategy for the upcoming year.”

10. Untangle

Used when dealing with something complicated or tangled, in need of being sorted out.

  • Example: “She played a key role in untangling the legal issues surrounding the new policy.”

11. Decode

Appropriate for translating or interpreting complex information into a more understandable form.

  • Example: “The engineer was able to decode the technical specifications for the non-technical members of the team.”

12. Fathom

Used when comprehending or understanding something deep or perplexing.

  • Example: “He couldn’t fathom the complexities of the new tax regulations without further study.”

13. Clarify

Ideal for making something clear or easier to understand, especially when it’s confusing or complex.

  • Example: “The consultant was brought in to clarify the objectives of the project.”

14. Piece together

Used when putting together various elements or clues to form a complete picture or solution.

  • Example: “After analyzing the reports, they pieced together a plan to enhance operational efficiency.”

15. Comprehend

Suitable for grasping or understanding something complex.

  • Example: “It took her a while to comprehend the full scope of the company’s international operations.”

16. Analyze

Ideal for examining something in detail to understand it better or draw conclusions.

  • Example: “The team analyzed customer feedback to improve the product’s design.”

17. Interpret

Used for explaining or finding the meaning of something, often data or information.

  • Example: “The financial advisor interpreted the market trends to advise the client on investment strategies.”

18. Disentangle

Appropriate for separating out the elements of a complex issue or situation.

  • Example: “The lawyer worked to disentangle the legal jargon so that the client could understand the contract.”

19. Ascertain

Used for finding out or learning something with certainty.

  • Example: “The manager sought to ascertain the root cause of the decrease in employee productivity.”

20. Demystify

Ideal for making a complex or difficult topic clear and easy to understand.

  • Example: “The training session was designed to demystify the software development process for new employees.”

Linda Brown