Looking for synonyms for empower? We’ve got you covered!
Here’s a list of other ways to say empower.
- Enable
- Authorize
- Strengthen
- Equip
- Liberate
- Endow
- Invest
- Entrust
- Embolden
- Authorize
- Commission
- Capacitate
- Fortify
- Energize
- Accredit
- Inspire
- Facilitate
- Support
- Validate
- Enfranchise
Want to learn how to say empower professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.
1. Enable
When to Use: To give someone the means or ability to do something.
Example: “The training program is designed to enable employees to develop new skills.”
2. Authorize
When to Use: To give official permission or approval for an action.
Example: “The board must authorize the new policy before it is implemented.”
3. Strengthen
When to Use: To make someone stronger or more effective.
Example: “Our mentorship program aims to strengthen the leadership skills of our team members.”
4. Equip
When to Use: To provide with the necessary items for a particular purpose.
Example: “The workshop is intended to equip staff with advanced digital tools.”
5. Liberate
When to Use: To free someone from restrictions or limitations.
Example: “Implementing flexible work hours liberates employees from traditional 9-to-5 constraints.”
6. Endow
When to Use: To provide with a quality, ability, or asset.
Example: “The company endows its managers with the autonomy to make key decisions.”
7. Invest
When to Use: To provide or endow someone with a particular quality or attribute.
Example: “We invest in our employees’ professional growth through continuous education programs.”
8. Entrust
When to Use: To assign the responsibility for doing something to someone.
Example: “The CEO entrusted the team with the responsibility of leading the new project.”
9. Embolden
When to Use: To give someone the courage or confidence to do something.
Example: “The success of the project served to embolden the team in their future endeavors.”
10. Authorize
When to Use: To give legal or official approval to do something.
Example: “The manager was authorized to negotiate the terms of the contract.”
11. Commission
When to Use: To formally choose someone to do a special piece of work.
Example: “She was commissioned to lead the research and development team.”
12. Capacitate
When to Use: To make someone capable or competent for a task.
Example: “The training is intended to capacitate new employees for handling complex software.”
13. Fortify
When to Use: To strengthen someone or something against challenges.
Example: “Regular team-building activities are meant to fortify the bonds among team members.”
14. Energize
When to Use: To give vitality and enthusiasm to someone.
Example: “The new strategy aims to energize the sales team to achieve higher targets.”
15. Accredit
When to Use: To officially recognize, empower, or endorse someone.
Example: “She was accredited as a certified trainer for the program.”
16. Inspire
When to Use: To fill someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something.
Example: “His leadership style is to inspire his team to achieve their best performance.”
17. Facilitate
When to Use: To make an action or process easier.
Example: “Our role is to facilitate open communication within the organization.”
18. Support
When to Use: To give assistance to, enabling the person to function or act.
Example: “The company supports innovative projects through its internal grant program.”
19. Validate
When to Use: To recognize, affirm, or prove the worth of someone or their ideas.
Example: “Feedback from clients serves to validate our new approach to customer service.”
20. Enfranchise
When to Use: To give someone the rights or privileges, typically the right to vote.
Example: “The new policy will enfranchise all employees to participate in key corporate decisions.”