What Is Another Way to Say “Easily Influenced”?

Looking for synonyms for easily influenced? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say easily influenced.

  • Impressionable
  • Susceptible
  • Malleable
  • Pliable
  • Swayable
  • Persuadable
  • Gullible
  • Manipulable
  • Yielding
  • Vulnerable
  • Amenable
  • Receptive
  • Open
  • Compliant
  • Conformable
  • Obedient
  • Submissive
  • Docile
  • Moldable
  • Adaptable

Want to learn how to say easily influenced professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Impressionable

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is easily influenced due to a lack of experience or knowledge.
Example: “Young, impressionable interns must be guided carefully to make wise professional decisions.”

2. Susceptible

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who is likely to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.
Example: “New employees are often more susceptible to workplace culture influences.”

3. Malleable

When to Use: Best used for someone who is easily influenced or shaped.
Example: “His malleable nature allowed him to adapt quickly to the changing demands of the project.”

4. Pliable

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is easily bent or influenced.
Example: “The pliable trainee was quick to adopt the methods and techniques of her supervisor.”

5. Swayable

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who can be influenced or changed easily.
Example: “Swayable team members may need additional support to uphold company policies in negotiations.”

6. Persuadable

When to Use: Best used for someone who can be convinced to do something or to change their opinion.
Example: “He was a persuadable member of the committee, often changing his stance after discussions.”

7. Gullible

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is easily deceived or tricked.
Example: “Gullible employees can be vulnerable to misleading information in the workplace.”

8. Manipulable

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who is easily controlled or influenced.
Example: “Manipulable staff may be exploited in high-pressure sales environments.”

9. Yielding

When to Use: Best used for someone who gives way to pressure or influence.
Example: “The yielding nature of the new manager led to frequent changes in team strategies.”

10. Vulnerable

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm.
Example: “Employees in transitional roles can feel vulnerable and easily influenced by peers.”

11. Amenable

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who is open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Example: “The amenable team was quick to embrace the new operational changes.”

12. Receptive

When to Use: Best used for someone who is willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas.
Example: “Receptive employees are often easily influenced by innovative concepts.”

13. Open

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is willing to listen or consider different ideas and opinions.
Example: “Being open to change, she quickly adapted to the new management style.”

14. Compliant

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who is inclined to agree with others or obey rules.
Example: “Compliant workers efficiently follow guidelines but may be easily influenced by authority.”

15. Conformable

When to Use: Best used for someone who is disposed or accustomed to conform to what others are doing or thinking.
Example: “The conformable nature of the team led to a uniform approach to problem-solving.”

16. Obedient

When to Use: Suitable for someone who is submissive to authority or control.
Example: “Obedient employees rarely challenge the status quo and are easily influenced by superiors.”

17. Submissive

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who is inclined to submit to others.
Example: “Submissive staff members tend to follow directions without questioning, making them easily influenced.”

18. Docile

When to Use: Best used for someone who is easily taught, led, or controlled.
Example: “Her docile nature made her a favorite among manipulative managers.”

19. Moldable

When to Use: Suitable for someone who can be easily influenced or shaped.
Example: “Moldable interns are often shaped by the predominant work culture of their first job.”

20. Adaptable

When to Use: Appropriate for someone who can adjust to new conditions easily.
Example: “Adaptable employees, while versatile, can be easily influenced when exposed to diverse work environments.”

Linda Brown