What Is Another Way to Say “Drawn To”?

Looking for synonyms for drawn to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say drawn to.

  • Attracted to
  • Fascinated by
  • Intrigued by
  • Interested in
  • Enamored with
  • Captivated by
  • Allured by
  • Enthralled by
  • Charmed by
  • Beguiled by
  • Engrossed in
  • Absorbed in
  • Smitten with
  • Mesmerized by
  • Taken with

Want to learn how to say drawn to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Attracted to

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a general interest or appeal towards something.
Example: “She is particularly attracted to innovative tech startups.”

2. Fascinated by

Appropriate Use: Best for describing a strong interest or admiration for something intriguing or captivating.
Example: “He is fascinated by the complexities of artificial intelligence.”

3. Intrigued by

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where curiosity or interest is piqued.
Example: “The team is intrigued by the potential applications of blockchain in finance.”

4. Interested in

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for expressing a more casual or general interest in a subject.
Example: “We are interested in exploring new marketing strategies.”

5. Enamored with

Appropriate Use: Suitable for a scenario where there is a deep affection or love for something.
Example: “She is completely enamored with the company’s innovative culture.”

6. Captivated by

Appropriate Use: Best used when something is very appealing or fascinating, holding one’s attention fully.
Example: “He was captivated by the precision of the engineering in the new product.”

7. Allured by

Appropriate Use: Ideal for describing being powerfully and mysteriously attracted or charmed by something.
Example: “Investors are allured by the high growth potential of the industry.”

8. Enthralled by

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing being completely fascinated or absorbed by something.
Example: “The audience was enthralled by the keynote speaker’s vision of the future.”

9. Charmed by

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for situations where one is pleasantly attracted or delighted by something.
Example: “Clients are often charmed by the user-friendly design of the software.”

10. Beguiled by

Appropriate Use: Best for describing being charmed or enchanted by something, sometimes in a deceptive way.
Example: “Many were beguiled by the initial promise of the new technology.”

11. Engrossed in

Appropriate Use: Ideal for situations where one is completely focused or absorbed in something.
Example: “She is engrossed in researching the latest trends in renewable energy.”

12. Absorbed in

Appropriate Use: Suitable for scenarios where one’s attention is deeply engaged by something.
Example: “He’s absorbed in developing a new algorithm for data analysis.”

13. Smitten with

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for expressing a strong affection or admiration for something.
Example: “The designer is smitten with the aesthetics of minimalist architecture.”

14. Mesmerized by

Appropriate Use: Best used when describing being completely captivated or transfixed by something.
Example: “The team was mesmerized by the possibilities of virtual reality in their field.”

15. Taken with

Appropriate Use: Suitable for expressing a strong liking or interest in something.
Example: “She was taken with the idea of incorporating sustainable practices into the business model.”

Linda Brown