What Is Another Way to Say “Commit To”?

Looking for synonyms for commit to? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say commit to.

  • Dedicate oneself to
  • Devote oneself to
  • Pledge to
  • Engage in
  • Undertake
  • Bind oneself to
  • Obligate oneself to
  • Promise to
  • Apply oneself to
  • Vow to
  • Embrace
  • Swear to
  • Adhere to
  • Subscribe to
  • Align with
  • Inscribe to
  • Give oneself over to
  • Affiliate with
  • Consent to
  • Agree to

Want to learn how to say commit to professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Dedicate Oneself to

Dedicate oneself to means to devote all your effort and attention to a particular task or goal.

Example: “She dedicated herself to achieving the company’s environmental sustainability goals.”

2. Devote Oneself to

Devote oneself to involves giving all your time, effort, or resources to a particular task, purpose, or person.

Example: “The team leader devoted himself to mentoring his new team members.”

3. Pledge to

Pledge to implies making a serious promise or commitment, especially publicly.

Example: “The CEO pledged to improve employee well-being and work-life balance.”

4. Engage in

Engage in means to participate or become involved in an activity.

Example: “The company engaged in a new initiative to support local communities.”

5. Undertake

Undertake is used when agreeing or committing to do a task that is often difficult or complex.

Example: “The manager undertook a comprehensive review of the department’s processes.”

6. Bind Oneself to

Bind oneself to implies committing to something in a way that cannot be easily undone.

Example: “By signing the contract, the company bound itself to meet all the project deadlines.”

7. Obligate Oneself to

Obligate oneself to means committing yourself to do something as a duty or responsibility.

Example: “The board members obligated themselves to uphold the highest ethical standards.”

8. Promise to

Promise to involves giving your word to someone that you will definitely do something.

Example: “The team promised to complete the project ahead of schedule.”

9. Apply Oneself to

Apply oneself to suggests putting consistent effort or attention into a task or challenge.

Example: “She applied herself to learning the new software required for her role.”

10. Vow to

Vow to means to make a firm, solemn promise to do something.

Example: “The company vowed to reduce its carbon footprint by 30% over the next five years.”

11. Embrace

Embrace implies eagerly or willingly accepting or supporting something.

Example: “The organization embraced innovative strategies for market expansion.”

12. Swear to

Swear to suggests making a serious promise or oath.

Example: “The new president swore to lead the company with integrity and transparency.”

13. Adhere to

Adhere to means to firmly stick to a rule, belief, or practice.

Example: “Employees are expected to adhere to the company’s code of conduct.”

14. Subscribe to

Subscribe to involves agreeing with or supporting a particular idea or theory.

Example: “The marketing team subscribed to the latest consumer behavior theories.”

15. Align with

Align with suggests bringing your actions, beliefs, or policies into agreement with others’.

Example: “Her goals for the project align with the organization’s overall mission.”

16. Inscribe to

Inscribe to is a more formal way of saying commit or dedicate oneself to an idea or cause.

Example: “He inscribed to the principles of ethical business practices.”

17. Give Oneself Over to

Give oneself over to means to completely devote yourself to a task or activity.

Example: “She gave herself over to researching new market opportunities.”

18. Affiliate with

Affiliate with involves officially attaching or connecting yourself to an organization or cause.

Example: “The consultant affiliated with several professional networks to expand her business.”

Consent to means to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something.

Example: “The board consented to the new strategic partnership.”

20. Agree to

Agree to implies accepting a proposal or request.

Example: “The stakeholders agreed to the terms of the merger.”

Linda Brown