What Is Another Way to Say “Cold Shoulder”?

Looking for synonyms for cold shoulder? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say cold shoulder.

  • Snub
  • Disregard
  • Indifference
  • Brush-off
  • Aloofness
  • Neglect
  • Disdain
  • Avoidance
  • Rebuff
  • Spurn
  • Ostracism
  • Apathy
  • Detachment
  • Disinterest
  • Slight

Want to learn how to say cold shoulder professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Snub

Appropriate Use: Used when someone intentionally ignores or treats another person rudely, often in social or professional settings.
Example: “During the meeting, John felt snubbed when his innovative ideas were blatantly ignored by the team.”

2. Disregard

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations where someone’s feelings, thoughts, or suggestions are intentionally overlooked.
Example: “The manager’s disregard for her team’s feedback led to a decline in office morale.”

3. Indifference

Appropriate Use: This term is used when someone shows no interest or concern in what is happening around them, particularly in a work environment.
Example: “His indifference to the client’s concerns raised questions about his commitment to the project.”

4. Brush-off

Appropriate Use: Appropriate in situations where someone is dismissed or ignored in a somewhat casual or abrupt manner.
Example: “She received a brush-off from her supervisor when she attempted to discuss her career advancement.”

5. Aloofness

Appropriate Use: This term describes a distant, cold, or uninterested attitude, often in professional interactions.
Example: “His aloofness during negotiations made it difficult to establish a rapport.”

6. Neglect

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations where there is a failure to care for or give proper attention to someone’s responsibilities or needs.
Example: “The neglect of safety protocols in the workshop put everyone at risk.”

7. Disdain

Appropriate Use: Used when someone shows contempt or a lack of respect towards a person or idea in a professional context.
Example: “Her disdain for the new policies was evident in her reluctance to implement them.”

8. Avoidance

Appropriate Use: Suitable for situations where someone deliberately stays away from certain tasks or people.
Example: “He practiced avoidance by delegating all the challenging tasks to his team members.”

9. Rebuff

Appropriate Use: Used when a person or their ideas are bluntly or abruptly rejected, often in a professional setting.
Example: “The board’s rebuff of the proposed merger left the CEO reconsidering his strategy.”

10. Spurn

Appropriate Use: This term is used when someone rejects something or someone with disdain or contempt, particularly in professional interactions.
Example: “She spurned the offer from the rival company, staying loyal to her current employer.”

11. Ostracism

Appropriate Use: Suitable in contexts where someone is excluded from a group or activity, especially in a workplace.
Example: “His constant ostracism from team activities affected his performance and morale.”

12. Apathy

Appropriate Use: Used to describe a lack of interest or enthusiasm, especially in response to work-related tasks or objectives.
Example: “The team’s apathy towards the new project was clear from their lackluster performance.”

13. Detachment

Appropriate Use: Appropriate for describing a state of emotional or intellectual disconnection, especially in a professional setting.
Example: “Her detachment from office politics allowed her to focus solely on her work.”

14. Disinterest

Appropriate Use: This term is used when someone shows no curiosity or concern about a particular topic or situation.
Example: “Despite the heated debate, he remained disinterested in the discussion.”

15. Slight

Appropriate Use: Suitable for instances where someone feels insulted or disrespected, often subtly, in a professional environment.
Example: “He felt slighted when his contributions to the project were not acknowledged in the final report.”

Linda Brown