What Is Another Way to Say “Canary in the Coal Mine”?

Looking for synonyms for canary in the coal mine? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say canary in the coal mine.

  • Early warning sign
  • Red flag
  • Alarm bell
  • Harbinger
  • Indicator
  • Herald
  • Warning signal
  • Premonition
  • Forewarning
  • Sentinel
  • Signal
  • Omen
  • Bellwether
  • Precursor
  • Portent
  • Foretaste
  • Augury
  • Prognostic
  • Forerunner
  • Warning beacon

Want to learn how to say canary in the coal mine professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Early Warning Sign

Appropriate Usage: Indicates an initial indication of potential trouble or danger in a situation.
Example: “The sudden drop in sales was an early warning sign of the market’s volatility.”

2. Red Flag

Appropriate Usage: Used to point out a warning or caution, often indicating a reason to stop or reconsider.
Example: “The discrepancies in the financial report raised a red flag for the auditors.”

3. Alarm Bell

Appropriate Usage: Suggests a cause for concern, alerting to a potential problem.
Example: “The decline in product quality rang alarm bells for the management team.”

4. Harbinger

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a person or thing that signals the approach of another, often used for warning of something negative.
Example: “The shrinking profit margins were a harbinger of challenging economic times ahead.”

5. Indicator

Appropriate Usage: Suitable for mentioning something that points out or reveals a certain state or condition.
Example: “Employee turnover rates are an important indicator of company morale.”

6. Herald

Appropriate Usage: Used to describe something or someone that announces or signals the approach of another.
Example: “The sudden change in market trends was a herald of the new consumer preferences.”

7. Warning Signal

Appropriate Usage: Implies a sign or indication that something potentially dangerous or undesirable is happening.
Example: “The irregularities in data security were a warning signal for potential breaches.”

8. Premonition

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a strong feeling that something is about to happen, especially something unpleasant.
Example: “There was a premonition of financial crisis in the unusual stock market fluctuations.”

9. Forewarning

Appropriate Usage: Suggests an advance warning about a future event.
Example: “The sudden drop in employee engagement served as a forewarning of potential staff departures.”

10. Sentinel

Appropriate Usage: Describes a guard or watchman, often used metaphorically to represent a warning sign.
Example: “Rising costs in production acted as a sentinel for the need to streamline operations.”

11. Signal

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions.
Example: “The decrease in market share was a clear signal to diversify the product line.”

12. Omen

Appropriate Usage: Used to refer to something that is believed to be a sign or warning of a future event.
Example: “Many in the industry saw the new regulation as an omen of increased compliance costs.”

13. Bellwether

Appropriate Usage: Indicates a leader or indicator of future trends.
Example: “The tech industry is often seen as a bellwether for broader economic shifts.”

14. Precursor

Appropriate Usage: Describes something that comes before another and may serve to indicate its approach.
Example: “The pilot project was a precursor to the company’s nationwide roll-out.”

15. Portent

Appropriate Usage: Refers to a sign or warning that something, especially something momentous or calamitous, is likely to happen.
Example: “The fluctuating exchange rates were a portent of the impending financial turmoil.”

16. Foretaste

Appropriate Usage: Suggests an advance sample or indication of something that will happen in the future.
Example: “The initial customer feedback provided a foretaste of the product’s success.”

17. Augury

Appropriate Usage: Refers to an omen or portent, a sign of what will happen in the future.
Example: “The sudden shift in consumer behavior was an augury of changing market dynamics.”

18. Prognostic

Appropriate Usage: Describes something that predicts or foretells a future event.
Example: “The economic indicators were seen as prognostic of the country’s financial future.”

19. Forerunner

Appropriate Usage: Used to describe something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone.
Example: “The successful regional campaign was a forerunner to the national marketing strategy.”

20. Warning Beacon

Appropriate Usage: Implies a signal, often a light or a fire, used to warn or guide.
Example: “The escalating regional conflicts were a warning beacon of broader geopolitical instability.”

Linda Brown