What Is Another Way to Say “Came About”?

Looking for synonyms for came about? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say came about.

  • Occurred
  • Happened
  • Transpired
  • Took place
  • Materialized
  • Unfolded
  • Developed
  • Emerged
  • Came to pass
  • Resulted
  • Arised
  • Ensued
  • Surfaced
  • Evolved
  • Manifested
  • Appeared
  • Befell
  • Came into being
  • Dawned
  • Sprang up

Want to learn how to say came about professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Occurred

When to Use: Suitable for an event or action that took place.
Example: “A significant system failure occurred during the upgrade process.”

2. Happened

When to Use: Appropriate for an unplanned or unexpected event.
Example: “The merger happened more quickly than anticipated.”

3. Transpired

When to Use: Best used for something that happened, especially something surprising or unknown becoming known.
Example: “It transpired that the data had been inaccurately reported.”

4. Took Place

When to Use: Suitable for an event or situation that happened or existed.
Example: “The annual conference took place in a virtual format this year.”

5. Materialized

When to Use: Appropriate for something that became actual fact or reality.
Example: “The predicted budget shortfall never materialized.”

6. Unfolded

When to Use: Best used for an event or series of events that happened.
Example: “The scandal unfolded over several months, impacting the company’s reputation.”

7. Developed

When to Use: Suitable for a situation that gradually started to exist.
Example: “A new market opportunity developed as technology advanced.”

8. Emerged

When to Use: Appropriate for something that became known or started to exist.
Example: “A new leader emerged from the restructuring process.”

9. Came to Pass

When to Use: Best used for something that happened, especially after a period of time.
Example: “The predicted changes in the industry finally came to pass.”

10. Resulted

When to Use: Suitable for something that was the outcome of an event or action.
Example: “The project delays resulted from unforeseen technical challenges.”

11. Arised

When to Use: Appropriate for an issue or situation that began to exist.
Example: “Several challenges arised during the early stages of the project.”

12. Ensued

When to Use: Best used for something that happened as a result of something.
Example: “Ensuing discussions from the meeting led to significant policy changes.”

13. Surfaced

When to Use: Suitable for information or problems that became known.
Example: “New evidence surfaced, leading to a reevaluation of the strategy.”

14. Evolved

When to Use: Appropriate for a gradual process of change and development.
Example: “The company’s business model evolved significantly over the years.”

15. Manifested

When to Use: Best used for something that became apparent through signs or symptoms.
Example: “The need for organizational change manifested through employee feedback.”

16. Appeared

When to Use: Suitable for something that became visible or noticeable.
Example: “New competitors appeared on the market, challenging our position.”

17. Befell

When to Use: Appropriate for something (usually bad) that happened to someone.
Example: “A series of unfortunate events befell the company last year.”

18. Came Into Being

When to Use: Best used for something that began to exist.
Example: “The new department came into being after the merger.”

19. Dawned

When to Use: Suitable for the beginning or first appearance of something.
Example: “A new era in the company’s history dawned with the appointment of the CEO.”

20. Sprang Up

When to Use: Appropriate for something that suddenly emerged or appeared.
Example: “Several new startups sprang up in the industry last year.”

Linda Brown