What Is Another Way to Say “Bring Up”?

Looking for synonyms for bring up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say bring up.

  • Mention
  • Raise
  • Introduce
  • Broach
  • Discuss
  • Present
  • Refer to
  • Allude to
  • Touch on
  • Speak about
  • Address
  • Cite
  • Point out
  • Talk about
  • Propose

Want to learn how to say bring up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Mention

Appropriate Use: When casually introducing a topic in conversation or writing.
Example: “During the meeting, she will mention the recent changes in company policy.”

2. Raise

Appropriate Use: In formal or informal discussions, particularly when bringing attention to an issue or concern.
Example: “He plans to raise the issue of budget allocation in the next board meeting.”

3. Introduce

Appropriate Use: In formal presentations, speeches, or when starting to discuss a new topic.
Example: “The speaker will introduce the concept of sustainable development in her talk.”

4. Broach

Appropriate Use: When initiating a sensitive or difficult topic for discussion.
Example: “It was challenging to broach the subject of downsizing with the staff.”

5. Discuss

Appropriate Use: In both formal and informal settings where an in-depth conversation is intended.
Example: “The team will discuss the project timeline in tomorrow’s meeting.”

6. Present

Appropriate Use: Often used in formal settings like meetings or conferences to introduce information or ideas.
Example: “She will present her findings on market trends at the seminar.”

7. Refer to

Appropriate Use: When indirectly or briefly introducing a topic in the course of a discussion.
Example: “In his report, he referred to the need for improved cybersecurity measures.”

8. Allude to

Appropriate Use: In situations where a topic is mentioned indirectly or subtly.
Example: “The CEO alluded to possible mergers in her speech.”

9. Touch on

Appropriate Use: When briefly mentioning a topic without going into detail.
Example: “The lecture will touch on the basics of quantum mechanics.”

10. Speak about

Appropriate Use: In various contexts where a topic is discussed in detail.
Example: “The expert will speak about climate change at the conference.”

11. Address

Appropriate Use: In more formal contexts, especially when dealing with an issue or problem.
Example: “The committee must address the concerns raised by the shareholders.”

12. Cite

Appropriate Use: When referring to a specific example, source, or evidence in support of a point.
Example: “The researcher cited several studies to support her theory.”

13. Point out

Appropriate Use: When highlighting or drawing attention to a specific fact or detail.
Example: “He pointed out the discrepancies in the financial report during the audit.”

14. Talk about

Appropriate Use: In casual or formal discussions, covering various aspects of a topic.
Example: “In today’s meeting, we’ll talk about the department’s performance metrics.”

15. Propose

Appropriate Use: Particularly in formal settings, when suggesting an idea or plan for consideration.
Example: “The manager proposed a new approach to increase team productivity.”

Linda Brown