What Is Another Way to Say “Block Out”?

Looking for synonyms for block out? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say block out.

  • Obscure
  • Cover
  • Screen
  • Mask
  • Hide
  • Shield
  • Eclipse
  • Conceal
  • Veil
  • Blanket
  • Shroud
  • Obstruct
  • Blur
  • Cloak
  • Envelop

Want to learn how to say block out professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Obscure

When to use: Suitable for making something less visible or unclear.
Example: “The new signage was designed to not obscure any essential emergency exits.”

2. Cover

When to use: Appropriate for hiding or protecting something by placing something over it.
Example: “During the renovation, they needed to cover the furniture to protect it from dust.”

3. Screen

When to use: Ideal for shielding or protecting something from view.
Example: “The company used a screen to conceal the construction work from the public.”

4. Mask

When to use: Used for concealing or disguising something.
Example: “The noise-canceling headphones were effective in masking the sound of the construction outside.”

5. Hide

When to use: Suitable for keeping something out of sight.
Example: “The control panel was strategically placed to hide it from direct view but keep it accessible.”

6. Shield

When to use: Appropriate for protecting something by interposing a barrier.
Example: “The landscaping was designed to shield the patio area from strong winds.”

7. Eclipse

When to use: Ideal for overshadowing something else, making it less noticeable or important.
Example: “The success of their latest product has eclipsed all their previous offerings.”

8. Conceal

When to use: Used for keeping something secret or hidden.
Example: “The security cameras were expertly concealed within the building’s design.”

9. Veil

When to use: Suitable for partially hiding or disguising something.
Example: “The artist’s installation used a sheer veil to create a sense of mystery.”

10. Blanket

When to use: Appropriate for covering something completely.
Example: “The area was blanketed in fog, making the morning commute challenging.”

11. Shroud

When to use: Ideal for completely covering or enveloping something.
Example: “The statue was shrouded in a cloth before its grand unveiling.”

12. Obstruct

When to use: Used for blocking or impeding something, often in a physical sense.
Example: “The new billboard was placed in a way that it didn’t obstruct any scenic views.”

13. Blur

When to use: Suitable for making something unclear or less distinct.
Example: “The frosted glass was used to blur the view into the office for privacy.”

14. Cloak

When to use: Appropriate for covering, hiding, or disguising something.
Example: “The thick fog cloaked the city streets, lending an eerie atmosphere.”

15. Envelop

When to use: Ideal for completely enclosing or surrounding something.
Example: “The soundproof walls were designed to envelop the room in silence.”

Linda Brown