What Is Another Way to Say “Because”?

Looking for synonyms for because? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say because.

  • Due to
  • Owing to
  • As a result of
  • Given that
  • On account of
  • By reason of
  • In view of
  • Attributable to
  • Thanks to
  • As per
  • Stemming from
  • In light of
  • Following
  • As a consequence of
  • On the grounds of
  • Resulting from
  • By virtue of
  • In consequence of
  • Based on
  • On the basis of

Want to learn how to say because professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Due to

Appropriate Use: When attributing a cause or reason directly.
Example: “The project delay was due to unforeseen technical issues.”

2. Owing to

Appropriate Use: To ascribe a situation to a specific cause.
Example: “Owing to market fluctuations, the investment values have changed.”

3. As a result of

Appropriate Use: To emphasize the outcome of a specific cause.
Example: “As a result of increased demand, we are expanding our production capacity.”

4. Given that

Appropriate Use: When providing a justification or reason.
Example: “Given that the data shows a positive trend, we should increase our budget for the project.”

5. On account of

Appropriate Use: To attribute something to a specific cause.
Example: “The meeting was postponed on account of the CEO’s absence.”

6. By reason of

Appropriate Use: To explain the cause of an action or situation.
Example: “By reason of the company’s robust performance, we achieved a higher market share.”

7. In view of

Appropriate Use: When considering something as a reason.
Example: “In view of the current economic indicators, we need to adjust our strategy.”

8. Attributable to

Appropriate Use: To assign a specific cause as the source of something.
Example: “The success of the product is largely attributable to the innovative marketing strategy.”

9. Thanks to

Appropriate Use: To show appreciation or acknowledgment for a positive outcome.
Example: “Thanks to the team’s hard work, we completed the project ahead of schedule.”

10. As per

Appropriate Use: To indicate accordance with a reason or explanation.
Example: “As per the client’s feedback, we made several improvements to the design.”

11. Stemming from

Appropriate Use: To indicate the origin or source of something.
Example: “The decision was made stemming from the recent changes in the market.”

12. In light of

Appropriate Use: To take into consideration or because of.
Example: “In light of the new evidence, we will be revising our approach.”

13. Following

Appropriate Use: To denote something occurring as a result of.
Example: “Following the board’s recommendation, we will be altering the project scope.”

14. As a consequence of

Appropriate Use: To show a direct outcome or effect.
Example: “As a consequence of the merger, several new positions have been created.”

15. On the grounds of

Appropriate Use: To justify something based on a specific reason.
Example: “The proposal was rejected on the grounds of insufficient data.”

16. Resulting from

Appropriate Use: To denote a consequence or result of something.
Example: “Resulting from the team’s efforts, our efficiency has significantly improved.”

17. By virtue of

Appropriate Use: To express a condition or situation due to a particular reason.
Example: “By virtue of his extensive experience, he was chosen to lead the project.”

18. In consequence of

Appropriate Use: To indicate a result or outcome of a particular cause.
Example: “In consequence of the regulatory changes, the company revised its compliance policies.”

19. Based on

Appropriate Use: To indicate a reason or justification for something.
Example: “The strategy was developed based on thorough market analysis.”

20. On the basis of

Appropriate Use: To indicate something is done for a specific reason.
Example: “Selection of the supplier was made on the basis of their proven track record.”

Linda Brown