What Is Another Way to Say “As a Result”?

Looking for synonyms for as a result? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say as a result.

  • Consequently
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • Hence
  • Accordingly
  • As a consequence
  • Subsequently
  • For this reason
  • Thereby
  • Resultantly
  • In turn
  • Ergo
  • Due to this
  • As such
  • Following this
  • Because of this
  • In consequence
  • As a direct result
  • In light of this
  • This leads to

Want to learn how to say as a result professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Consequently

Appropriate Use: Suitable for indicating a direct result or effect of a previous statement or action.
Example: “The company failed to innovate; consequently, it lost its market share.”

2. Therefore

Appropriate Use: Commonly used to draw a conclusion based on the information provided earlier.
Example: “There is a significant demand for the product; therefore, we should increase production.”

3. Thus

Appropriate Use: Formal and used to show the result or conclusion of a statement just made.
Example: “The project was well-managed, thus it was completed on time and within budget.”

4. Hence

Appropriate Use: Ideal for drawing a logical conclusion or result, often in a formal context.
Example: “The data was inaccurate; hence, the report needs to be revised.”

5. Accordingly

Appropriate Use: Used to indicate that something is done in response to a certain situation or set of facts.
Example: “The market trends have changed; accordingly, our strategy must evolve.”

6. As a consequence

Appropriate Use: Suitable for emphasizing the outcome or effect of an action or situation.
Example: “As a consequence of the merger, the company’s stock value increased.”

7. Subsequently

Appropriate Use: Indicates something happening after a particular action or event.
Example: “Subsequently, after the new policies were implemented, employee satisfaction improved.”

8. For this reason

Appropriate Use: Used to justify or explain a decision or action based on a previous statement.
Example: “For this reason, we have decided to invest more in renewable energy.”

9. Thereby

Appropriate Use: Indicates the method or process by which something is achieved.
Example: “By automating the process, we thereby increase efficiency and reduce errors.”

10. Resultantly

Appropriate Use: Formal, used to indicate the result of a given situation or set of circumstances.
Example: “Resultantly, the company’s profit margins have improved significantly.”

11. In turn

Appropriate Use: Suitable for showing how one thing is a result of another in a sequence.
Example: “The training improved skills, which in turn enhanced productivity.”

12. Ergo

Appropriate Use: Formal and philosophical, used for introducing a logical conclusion.
Example: “We need to cut costs, ergo, non-essential expenditures must be reduced.”

13. Due to this

Appropriate Use: Indicates a clear causal relationship between two events or situations.
Example: “Due to this new law, our compliance procedures must be updated.”

14. As such

Appropriate Use: Indicates that what follows is a logical result or conclusion of what has been mentioned.
Example: “The project is critical for our growth; as such, it will receive additional resources.”

15. Following this

Appropriate Use: Used to indicate something that happens after and as a result of a particular event.
Example: “Following this discovery, the company decided to redirect its research focus.”

16. Because of this

Appropriate Use: Clearly shows cause and effect in a situation.
Example: “Because of this market trend, we need to adjust our sales strategy.”

17. In consequence

Appropriate Use: Formal, indicating a result or effect of an action or condition.
Example: “In consequence of the acquisition, the company expanded its market reach.”

18. As a direct result

Appropriate Use: Emphasizes the direct and immediate effect of one thing on another.
Example: “As a direct result of the new marketing campaign, sales have increased by 30%.”

19. In light of this

Appropriate Use: Used to indicate that an action or decision is a result of the information just mentioned.
Example: “In light of this feedback, we will make necessary changes to the product.”

20. This leads to

Appropriate Use: Indicates a progression or development from one thing to another.
Example: “Increased demand for our product this leads to the need for expanding our production facilities.”

Linda Brown