What Is Another Way to Say “Looking Forward to Seeing You”?

You want to say that you are keen to see someone at work. But is it appropriate to say looking forward to seeing you in a work email?

We’ll discuss the correctness of this phrase below.

Moreover, we’ll show you how to say looking forward to seeing you professionally using 6 distinct phrases.

6 Alternative Ways to Say “Looking Forward to Seeing You”

Below, you’ll find 6 examples of how to say looking forward to seeing you in an email:

  • Hope to see you
  • I greatly anticipate our meeting
  • Keen to see you
  • Excited to see you
  • Until we meet again
  • Can’t wait to meet you

1. Hope to See You

The phrase hope to see you is a great one to use if you want to encourage the receiver of your email to attend work-related events.

For instance, you can use this phrase in your recruitment emails to recent graduates or new entrants in your company’s field.

It’s also a great way to conclude a message on LinkedIn or any other social media site.

To see what we mean, check out the email example below:

Dear Omar,

Our graduate training program will help you take those meaningful first steps of your career.

Use the link below to apply.

We hope to see you soon!

All the best,
[Company name]

2. I Greatly Anticipate Our Meeting

I greatly anticipate our meeting is a professionalway to say looking forward to seeing you in an email to a recruiter or hiring manager.

When you’ve landed an interview, it’s important to show that you are excited about the opportunity.

However, if the role is fairly formal in nature, you will also want to maintain a professional register in your email responses to the relevant hiring manager.

The phrase I greatly anticipate our meeting strikes a great balance between formality and enthusiasm.

Consider this example:

Dear Mr. Siriboe,

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for this role.

I greatly anticipate our meeting this week.

McKinley Ashe

3. Keen to See You

Keen to see you is a much more casual synonym that you can use in an email to a coworker with whom you have a friendly relationship.

If you have developed a good rapport with your coworkers, there’s no need to be overly formal or stuffy in your email exchanges with them.

In fact, too much email etiquette can be overly time-consuming and altogether useless in a fast-paced office environment.

Therefore, let’s see a sample email with a more conversational tone between colleagues:

Hi Ethan,

I have been considering Miss Lawson’s VAT issue this morning, and I’d be keen to see you in person this afternoon to discuss it.

Are you available at 3 pm?

My best,

4. Excited to See You

Excited to see you is a fairly effusive phrase.

Therefore, we wouldn’t recommend that you use this alternative in an email to a hiring manager.

In fact, unless you have a very close relationship with your colleagues, it may even be a tad too risky for an email to a coworker.

However, your organization can use this phrase in promotional or recruitment emails to capture the attention of potential recruits and job applicants.

Therefore, if you are inviting recent graduates or job applicants to apply for your company or attend your recruitment events, this phrase is sure to make them feel welcomed and wanted.

Have a look at the email sample below:

Dear Dawn,

We are very excited to see you at our graduates’ event this Wednesday!

Your e-ticket is attached below.

Kofi at [Company Name]

5. Until We Meet Again

Another way to say looking forward to seeing you professionally is until we meet again.

Essentially, you can use the phrase until we meet again to indicate that you would like to maintain a business relationship with the other person.

This makes it a great phrase to include in an email to a fellow professional from another organization, especially if you are hoping to collaborate with them or their company in the future.

In short, it shows your keenness to keep in touch without being overly friendly or familiar. Therefore, you can keep connections while maintaining strong professional boundaries!

See how we’ve used this phrase in an email example:

Dear Tammy,

Thank you for your insights at this morning’s meeting.

I am certain that this collaboration will be to the benefit of both of our clients.

Until we meet again,

6. Can’t Wait to Meet You

The phrase can’t wait to meet you comes across as very friendly and sincere. Therefore, it won’t be suitable for a formal business email.

Nevertheless, you can certainly use this phrase if you have recently been hired at an organization and want to make a good first impression on your new team members.

You can include this phrase in a group email introducing yourself to your new colleagues.

This will show that you are an approachable and enthusiastic person to work with, which is always a great sign in a new recruit!

Let’s see this phrase in our final email sample:

Dear Tech Team,

I am the new SEO Consultant in Room 14 and I will be starting my first day in the office tomorrow.

I can’t wait to meet you all!

Kind regards,

Is It Correct to Say “Looking Forward to Seeing You”?

The phrase looking forward to seeing you is perfectly correct.

You can use this phrase in a professional setting to confirm that you will be seeing a prospective employer, a colleague, a client, or an employee in the near future.

Moreover, this phrase will show that you are enthusiastic about seeing the other person.

Below, we’ve drafted two email samples illustrating how you can use this phrase in your work correspondence.

First, let’s see an email between colleagues:

Dear Justina,

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow in the office!

All the best,

Next, let’s see an email from a company to an employee:

Dear Mackenzie,

Thank you for joining us at last night’s event.

We are looking forward to seeing you again next year.

[Company name]

To avoid any embarrassing grammar mistakes in the future, let’s consider a common mistake people make when using this phrase:

Mistake: Seeing vs see

  • Incorrect: Looking forward to see you.
  • Correct: Looking forward to seeing you.

In English, the preposition “to” should always be followed with the gerund form of the verb. In other words, seeing (with the “ing” at the end) is the only correct version of this phrase.

Finally, let’s consider a common variation of the phrase looking forward to seeing you and discuss its correctness:

Variation: Looking forward vs I look forward

  • Correct: Looking forward to seeing you.
  • Correct: I look forward to seeing you.

It is perfectly correct to start this phrase with I look instead of looking. You can use either variation interchangeably.

Although the phrase looking forward to seeing you is correct and suitable in a professional email, it is rather standardized.

Therefore, it wouldn’t hurt to mix up your phrasing from time to time using one or more of the synonyms from our list.

Kahlan House