What Is Another Way to Say “I Was Born and Raised”?

So, are you trying to figure out different ways to say I was born and raised?

Perhaps you’d like to know whether there are alternative phrases that sound more professional or polite.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

This article will teach you how to say I was born and raised in different situations.

6 Alternative Ways to Say “I Was Born and Raised”

You should review these alternatives to learn another way to say I was born and raised:

  • Originating from
  • I was born in
  • Hailing from
  • I was brought up in
  • Raised in
  • I grew up in

1. Originating From

The first synonym we want to go through is originating from. This is a great replacement for I was born and raised that lets the reader know specifically where you came from.

It’s a formal option, so it works well when including it in a resume.

Generally, this is a good choice as the first phrase in a sentence. It gets to the point quickly, which is a helpful way to keep the recruiter engaged with what you’re saying.

From there, it’s up to you what you discuss. Either way, it’s a great choice that shows you’re keen to discuss your upbringing.

Check out these resume samples to learn more:

Originating from this city, I know it very well. Therefore, I’m sure that I’ll be a good fit for a role sourced in this area.

Originating from this area, it’s very important to me. So, I’m sure that I’ll be a good conservationist.

2. I Was Born In

You can also write I was born in instead of I was born and raised.

You may notice that not a lot changed from the original phrase. Sometimes, that’s all you need to do when making a new synonym.

The phrase is much more formal and direct. It excludes and raised, which overall helps the phrase to sound more professional.

Therefore, it’s good to use it as an introductory phrase in an essay. It’ll let your reader know where you came from and what to expect.

You can refer to these essay samples to learn more about it:

I was born in Carlisle. So, I would like the opportunity to return to my home city to explore what’s changed.

I was born in this area. That’s why I have such a keen understanding and why I’m writing this essay today.

3. Hailing From

For something more unique, you can write hailing from. This is a formal phrase that shows where you came from.

Generally, it’s a good way to engage the reader. It uses slightly different wording to let someone know where you came from and what you’ve learned in life.

We highly recommend it when you’re trying to get someone’s attention in an essay.

Check out these examples to learn more about it:

Hailing from these parts, I’ve learned a great deal in my time here. I can’t wait to tell you more about it.

Hailing from this country, I’ve taught myself a lot over the years. I’m ready to start explaining more about what I know.

4. I Was Brought Up In

You can write I was brought up in as a professional way to say I was born and raised.

This synonym is effective when writing your resume. It shows the recruiter where you came from and lets them know what you think that’s relevant to your job application.

Generally, this phrase remains formal and to the point. That’s what makes it so valuable when you’re trying to find a way to convince someone to hire you.

We also recommend reviewing these resume samples to learn more:

I was brought up in this town. It’s why I know I’ll be a good fit for a role that’s dedicated to making it a better place.

I was brought up in this area. I’m keen to show you why this job will be important to me if you’ll consider my application.

5. Raised In

You can also use raised in. It’s another great synonym for I was born and raised.

This time, it removes I was born from the phrase. After all, the original phrase is quite long-winded. So, you can shorten it down to make it more interesting for a reader.

We recommend using this when writing an essay about your upbringing. It’s an effective choice that will let the reader know more about you.

Feel free to review these examples to learn more about it:

I was raised in this part of the city. That’s why I’m certain I’ll be a good fit as the area manager.

I was raised in this area. I know quite a few things about it that might be worth remembering for a role like this.

6. I Grew Up In

Finally, we recommend being more direct and clear with I grew up in.

This synonym works wonders when writing an essay about your past. After all, it’s an obvious way to let a recipient know that you’ve come from a specific place.

Also, talking about your upbringing is a great way to explain why you are the way you are today.

That’s what makes this phrase so useful. It allows the reader to look into your history to learn more about you.

So, you can review these essay samples to learn a bit more:

I grew up in the South. It was quite an eye-opening experience for me, and I am very proud of the things I learned.

I grew up in this area. It’s been quite pleasant to learn more about it, and I can’t wait to see what else I learn.

Is It Correct to Say “I Was Born and Raised”

I was born and raised is correct to say in friendly contexts.

It is not professional, so you can’t use it on a resume or essay. It’s more of a casual phrase that works well to describe where you came from.

You should refer to these two examples to learn more about how it works:

I was born and raised in Sheffield. I’m very proud of my upbringing and everything I learned along the way.

I was born and raised in these parts. That’s why I know it so well, and I doubt I could ever leave.

Of course, before using the phrase, you’ve got to make sure you use the correct tense. It’s easy to make a mistake if you don’t know which tense works best.

Mistake: Using am instead of was

  • Correct: I was born and raised here.
  • Incorrect: I am born and raised here.

Also, you might come across the variation born and brought up. While it is correct, it’s not a common phrase. So, it’s best to stick to the original.

Variation: Using brought up instead of raised

  • Correct: I was born and raised here.
  • Correct: I was born and brought up here.

George O'Connor