What Is Another Way to Say “Self-Obsessed”?

Looking for synonyms for self-obsessed? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say self-obsessed.

  • Narcissistic
  • Egocentric
  • Self-centered
  • Egoistical
  • Self-absorbed
  • Self-involved
  • Egomanical
  • Self-preoccupied
  • Vain
  • Conceited
  • Selfish
  • Inward-looking
  • Self-loving
  • Solipsistic
  • Self-interested

Want to learn how to say self-obsessed professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Narcissistic

When to use: Suitable for describing individuals with an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves, often disregarding others.
Example: “His narcissistic approach to leadership hindered team collaboration and morale.”

2. Egocentric

When to use: Used when an individual is excessively focused on their own needs and viewpoints, neglecting those of others.
Example: “The manager’s egocentric decision-making process failed to consider the team’s input.”

3. Self-centered

When to use: Appropriate for describing someone who places undue importance on themselves at the expense of others.
Example: “In meetings, her self-centered attitude prevents others from contributing their ideas.”

4. Egoistical

When to use: Suitable for situations where a person shows an undue sense of self-importance and superiority.
Example: “The CEO’s egoistical mindset was evident in his dismissal of constructive feedback.”

5. Self-absorbed

When to use: Ideal for describing someone who is preoccupied with their own feelings, interests, or situation.
Example: “His self-absorbed focus on personal achievements overshadowed the team’s collaborative efforts.”

6. Self-involved

When to use: Used to describe someone who is overly concerned with their own affairs and indifferent to others.
Example: “Her self-involved approach to project management often overlooks the team’s needs.”

7. Egomanical

When to use: Appropriate for extreme cases of self-centeredness, where one believes they are the center of everything.
Example: “The director’s egomaniacal demands made it difficult for staff to work efficiently.”

8. Self-preoccupied

When to use: Suitable for someone who is excessively concerned with their own thoughts and feelings.
Example: “His self-preoccupied nature often leads to missed opportunities for collaboration and networking.”

9. Vain

When to use: Ideal for situations where someone has excessive pride in or admiration of their own appearance or achievements.
Example: “Her vain attitude towards the project’s success ignored the contributions of her team.”

10. Conceited

When to use: Used to describe someone with excessive pride in themselves, often without sufficient reason.
Example: “His conceited belief in his infallibility as a leader hindered organizational growth.”

11. Selfish

When to use: Appropriate for someone who lacks consideration for others and is chiefly concerned with their own personal profit or pleasure.
Example: “The manager’s selfish allocation of resources prioritized his projects over more critical team needs.”

12. Inward-looking

When to use: Suitable for describing a person or organization focusing excessively on internal needs or views, rather than considering external perspectives.
Example: “The company’s inward-looking policy development ignores important market trends and customer feedback.”

13. Self-loving

When to use: Used for individuals who show an excessive love or admiration for themselves.
Example: “Her self-loving demeanor often overshadows the achievements of her colleagues.”

14. Solipsistic

When to use: Ideal for philosophical or psychological contexts, where someone’s view is solely focused on their own mind or self.
Example: “The leader’s solipsistic viewpoint on business strategies led to a lack of diverse perspectives.”

15. Self-interested

When to use: Suitable for situations where individuals prioritize their own interests above those of others.
Example: “His self-interested approach in negotiations often leads to unbalanced outcomes favoring his own agenda.”

Linda Brown