What Is Another Way to Say “Shrug Off”?

Looking for synonyms for shrug off? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say shrug off.

  • Dismiss
  • Ignore
  • Overlook
  • Disregard
  • Brush aside
  • Discount
  • Downplay
  • Underestimate
  • Minimize
  • Neglect
  • Bypass
  • Overpass
  • Play down
  • Undervalue
  • Make light of

Want to learn how to say shrug off professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Dismiss

Used when rejecting an idea, opinion, or suggestion without serious consideration.

  • Example: “The manager dismissed the concerns about overtime, stating the project deadline was non-negotiable.”

2. Ignore

Refers to refusing to take notice of or acknowledge something.

  • Example: “Despite the feedback, the developer chose to ignore the user complaints about the app’s interface.”

3. Overlook

Failing to notice something, either by mistake or intentionally.

  • Example: “In their rush to launch the product, the team overlooked critical testing phases.”

4. Disregard

Intentionally paying no attention to something.

  • Example: “The company disregarded environmental standards in pursuit of higher profits.”

5. Brush aside

To treat something as unimportant and not worthy of serious attention.

  • Example: “The CEO brushed aside the rumors of a takeover as mere speculation.”

6. Discount

To consider something as less significant or unlikely.

  • Example: “The project manager discounted the possibility of delays, confident in the team’s ability to meet deadlines.”

7. Downplay

Making something appear less important or severe than it actually is.

  • Example: “The spokesperson downplayed the severity of the data breach in the press release.”

8. Underestimate

Failing to realize the full significance or value of something.

  • Example: “The marketing team underestimated the impact of social media on the campaign’s success.”

9. Minimize

To reduce something to the smallest possible amount or degree.

  • Example: “In the report, the company minimized the risks associated with entering the new market.”

10. Neglect

To fail to care for or give proper attention to something.

  • Example: “The organization neglected to update its privacy policy, leading to compliance issues.”

11. Bypass

To skip over or avoid dealing with something.

  • Example: “The software engineer bypassed the standard QA process to speed up development.”

12. Overpass

Similar to bypass, but often used in the context of surpassing or going beyond something without engaging with it.

  • Example: “The decision to overpass traditional channels and directly engage with consumers online proved successful.”

13. Play down

To make something seem less important or less likely than it actually is.

  • Example: “The director played down the budget overrun, focusing instead on the project’s benefits.”

14. Undervalue

To underestimate the importance, worth, or ability of something.

  • Example: “The company undervalued the feedback from early users, missing out on crucial improvements.”

15. Make light of

To treat something serious as if it were trivial or unimportant.

  • Example: “The manager made light of the employee’s request for more ergonomic office equipment.”

Linda Brown