What Is Another Way to Say “Send-Off”?

Looking for synonyms for send-off? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say send-off.

  • Farewell
  • Departure
  • Bon Voyage
  • Goodbye
  • Parting
  • Leave-taking
  • Valediction
  • Adieu
  • Send-off party
  • Going-away

Want to learn how to say send-off professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Farewell

Farewell is used in both formal and informal contexts when someone is leaving a place or group, often for a significant amount of time. It carries a sense of emotion and well-wishing.

Example: “The team organized a heartfelt farewell for Maria as she embarked on her new career abroad.”

2. Departure

Departure is a formal term often used in professional and business contexts to denote someone leaving a position or location, typically focusing on the act of leaving rather than the emotional aspect.

Example: “Upon his departure from the company, the board acknowledged his contributions with a formal announcement.”

3. Bon Voyage

Bon Voyage is a French term adopted into English, used to wish someone a good trip. It is appropriate in both personal and professional settings, especially when someone is embarking on a journey.

Example: “At the end of the corporate retreat, the CEO wished everyone ‘Bon Voyage’ as they headed to the airport.”

4. Goodbye

Goodbye is a universal term for leaving that can be used in any context, from casual to formal. It’s straightforward and versatile.

Example: “After the final presentation, the visiting consultants exchanged goodbyes with the project team.”

5. Parting

Parting refers to the act of leaving or separating from others and can be used in formal writings or speeches to denote a significant or poignant leave-taking.

Example: “The parting words of the retiring executive were filled with gratitude and advice for the company’s future.”

6. Leave-taking

Leave-taking is a formal expression that refers to the act of saying goodbye or departing, often used in official or ceremonial contexts.

Example: “The ambassador’s leave-taking ceremony was attended by dignitaries from around the world.”

7. Valediction

Valediction is a formal term that refers to the act of saying farewell, often used in written form, such as in a valedictory letter or speech.

Example: “Her valediction at the end of the newsletter reflected on the years of service and the friendships formed.”

8. Adieu

Adieu is another term borrowed from French, meaning ‘goodbye’. It carries a connotation of finality and is often used in formal or dramatic contexts.

Example: “With a heavy heart, he bid adieu to his colleagues, not knowing when he would return.”

9. Send-off party

A send-off party is a gathering organized to celebrate and say goodbye to someone who is leaving, often involving a social event or celebration.

Example: “The department hosted a send-off party for Dr. Smith to celebrate her sabbatical and contributions to the research team.”

10. Going-away

Going-away is a casual and commonly used term for an event or acknowledgment made in honor of someone who is leaving a place or position.

Example: “The going-away lunch for the interns was filled with laughter, reminiscing about their time at the company.”

Linda Brown