What Is Another Way to Say “Worked Up”?

Looking for synonyms for worked up? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say worked up.

  • Agitated
  • Excited
  • Frenzied
  • Riled up
  • Flustered
  • Anxious
  • Upset
  • Distraught
  • Perturbed
  • Stirred up
  • Overwrought
  • In a tizzy
  • Frantic
  • Disconcerted
  • Alarmed
  • Bothered
  • Enraged
  • Ruffled
  • Hysterical
  • Tense

Want to learn how to say worked up professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Agitated

Suitable for describing someone who is very nervous or troubled.
Example: “The manager was agitated about the missed deadlines.”

2. Excited

Appropriate for a positive, high-energy emotional state.
Example: “The team was excited about the new project launch.”

3. Frenzied

Used to describe a wildly excited or uncontrolled state.
Example: “The trading floor was in a frenzied state after the stock market crash.”

4. Riled Up

Suitable for describing someone who has become angry or upset.
Example: “The employees were riled up about the changes in company policy.”

5. Flustered

Refers to being agitated or confused.
Example: “The sudden technical issues during the presentation left her feeling flustered.”

6. Anxious

Used for describing feelings of worry or unease.
Example: “He was anxious about the outcome of the important meeting.”

7. Upset

Appropriate for a state of being unhappy, disappointed, or worried.
Example: “The team was visibly upset after the project was unexpectedly canceled.”

8. Distraught

Refers to being deeply upset and agitated.
Example: “She was distraught over the loss of the important client.”

9. Perturbed

Used for a mild disturbance or agitation.
Example: “The manager was perturbed by the inconsistencies in the report.”

10. Stirred Up

Suitable for describing a situation where emotions have been aroused.
Example: “The announcement stirred up a lot of questions among the staff.”

11. Overwrought

Refers to being in a state of extreme nervousness or excitement.
Example: “He became overwrought when the deadline was moved up.”

12. In a Tizzy

Used colloquially to describe a state of nervous excitement or agitation.
Example: “The office was in a tizzy preparing for the high-profile visit.”

13. Frantic

Appropriate for a situation of desperate or wild excitement.
Example: “The team was frantic to finish the report on time.”

14. Disconcerted

Used to describe feeling unsettled or confused.
Example: “She was disconcerted by the sudden change in project direction.”

15. Alarmed

Suitable for expressing concern or fear.
Example: “The board members were alarmed by the quarterly financial loss.”

16. Bothered

Refers to being worried or disturbed by something.
Example: “He was bothered by the lack of communication from his team.”

17. Enraged

Used for expressing extreme anger.
Example: “The CEO was enraged by the leak of confidential information.”

18. Ruffled

Appropriate for a slight disturbance or annoyance.
Example: “The manager’s comments ruffled some feathers in the team.”

19. Hysterical

Refers to being uncontrollably emotional.
Example: “The sudden downturn in the market left some investors hysterical.”

20. Tense

Suitable for describing a state of mental or emotional strain.
Example: “The atmosphere in the meeting room was tense due to the impending layoffs.”

Linda Brown