What Is Another Way to Say “Work With”?

Looking for synonyms for work with? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say work with.

  • Collaborate with
  • Cooperate with
  • Partner with
  • Team up with
  • Join forces with
  • Associate with
  • Coordinate with
  • Work alongside
  • Liaise with
  • Conspire with
  • Align with
  • Consort with
  • Synergize with
  • Be in cahoots with
  • Interact with
  • Engage with
  • Combine efforts with
  • Connect with
  • Merge with
  • Unite with

Want to learn how to say work with professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Collaborate with

Appropriate Use: To work jointly on an activity or project.
Example: “We will collaborate with the marketing team to enhance our online presence.”

2. Cooperate with

Appropriate Use: To work together with someone for a common purpose.
Example: “The department will need to cooperate with external consultants to complete the analysis.”

3. Partner with

Appropriate Use: To engage in a shared activity or business.
Example: “Our company will partner with a leading tech firm to develop new software.”

4. Team up with

Appropriate Use: To join together to achieve a common goal.
Example: “We plan to team up with other non-profits for this environmental campaign.”

5. Join forces with

Appropriate Use: To combine efforts with someone else.
Example: “Joining forces with the research team, we aim to enhance our product design.”

6. Associate with

Appropriate Use: To connect or bring into relation.
Example: “We are excited to associate with a renowned expert in our field for this project.”

7. Coordinate with

Appropriate Use: To bring into common action, movement, or condition.
Example: “It’s crucial to coordinate with the sales team to ensure alignment on strategies.”

8. Work alongside

Appropriate Use: To work next to or together with someone.
Example: “Working alongside the engineering team has provided valuable insights.”

9. Liaise with

Appropriate Use: To establish a working relationship, typically in order to cooperate on a matter of mutual concern.
Example: “Our manager will liaise with the client to understand their requirements better.”

10. Conspire with

Appropriate Use: To plan together secretly.
Example: “The departments conspired with each other to surprise the CEO for her anniversary.”

11. Align with

Appropriate Use: To come together in agreement or alliance.
Example: “We aim to align with industry leaders to enhance our market reach.”

12. Consort with

Appropriate Use: To associate with someone, typically with the implication of shared interests or activities.
Example: “Our research team often consorts with academic institutions for collaborative studies.”

13. Synergize with

Appropriate Use: To cooperate with another person or group to produce or create something greater than the sum of their separate abilities.
Example: “By synergizing with our European counterparts, we can increase our global impact.”

14. Be in cahoots with

Appropriate Use: To be in a partnership, usually in a secretive or conspiratorial manner.
Example: “The product development team was in cahoots with the marketing team for the surprise product launch.”

15. Interact with

Appropriate Use: To communicate or work together.
Example: “Interacting with clients directly helps us to better understand their needs.”

16. Engage with

Appropriate Use: To occupy or attract someone’s interest or attention.
Example: “Engaging with industry experts can provide fresh perspectives on our project.”

17. Combine efforts with

Appropriate Use: To unite with others to achieve a common goal.
Example: “We will combine efforts with the finance department for the annual budget review.”

18. Connect with

Appropriate Use: To establish a rapport or relationship.
Example: “Our team needs to connect with the new vendor for the upcoming project.”

19. Merge with

Appropriate Use: To combine or unite into a single entity.
Example: “The two departments will merge with each other to streamline operations.”

20. Unite with

Appropriate Use: To come or bring together for a common purpose or action.
Example: “We must unite with other organizations to amplify our impact on this cause.”

Linda Brown