What Is Another Way to Say “Work of Art”?

Looking for synonyms for work of art? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say work of art.

  • Masterpiece
  • Opus
  • Artistic creation
  • Magnum opus
  • Piece de resistance
  • Artwork
  • Composition
  • Sculpture
  • Painting
  • Creation
  • Art piece
  • Chef-d’oeuvre
  • Canvas
  • Exhibit
  • Fresco
  • Mural
  • Installation
  • Portrait
  • Tapestry
  • Artifact
  • Illustration
  • Sketch
  • Collage
  • Mosaic
  • Relief

Want to learn how to say work of art professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Masterpiece

Appropriate Use: A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
Example: “The gallery’s newest acquisition is a masterpiece from the Renaissance period.”

2. Opus

Appropriate Use: A work of music or set of works with a specified rank in an ordering system.
Example: “His latest opus was a symphony that received accolades from critics.”

3. Artistic creation

Appropriate Use: A piece created through artistic endeavor.
Example: “The museum is home to many famous artistic creations from around the world.”

4. Magnum opus

Appropriate Use: The most important work of an artist or writer.
Example: “Her magnum opus is a novel that has won several literary awards.”

5. Piece de resistance

Appropriate Use: The most important or remarkable feature.
Example: “The sculpture in the town square is considered the artist’s pièce de résistance.”

6. Artwork

Appropriate Use: The visual expression of an artist’s creativity.
Example: “The artwork for the new ad campaign was visually striking.”

7. Composition

Appropriate Use: A work of music, literature, or art.
Example: “The composer’s latest composition will debut at the concert hall next week.”

8. Sculpture

Appropriate Use: The art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms.
Example: “The marble sculpture in the lobby was carved by a renowned artist.”

9. Painting

Appropriate Use: A picture made using paint.
Example: “The museum featured a painting from a famous Impressionist painter.”

10. Creation

Appropriate Use: Something that has been made or invented, especially something showing artistic talent.
Example: “The fashion designer showcased her latest creations at the runway show.”

11. Art piece

Appropriate Use: An item of artistic value.
Example: “Each art piece in the exhibit tells a unique story.”

12. Chef-d’oeuvre

Appropriate Use: A masterpiece, especially in art or literature.
Example: “The novelist’s chef-d’oeuvre received critical acclaim and popular success.”

13. Canvas

Appropriate Use: A painting, especially one done on canvas fabric.
Example: “The artist’s use of color on the large canvas was remarkable.”

14. Exhibit

Appropriate Use: An object or collection of objects on public display in an art gallery or museum.
Example: “The new exhibit features contemporary artworks from around the globe.”

15. Fresco

Appropriate Use: A painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling.
Example: “The ancient fresco was discovered during the renovation of the old building.”

16. Mural

Appropriate Use: A large painting applied directly to a wall or ceiling surface.
Example: “The mural downtown has become an iconic landmark.”

17. Installation

Appropriate Use: An artistic genre of site-specific, three-dimensional works.
Example: “The art installation invites viewers to interact with the kinetic sculptures.”

18. Portrait

Appropriate Use: A painting, drawing, photograph, or engraving of a person.
Example: “The gallery’s collection includes a portrait of a famous historical figure.”

19. Tapestry

Appropriate Use: A piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads.
Example: “The medieval tapestry is known for its intricate detail and historical significance.”

20. Artifact

Appropriate Use: An object made by a human being, typically of cultural or historical interest.
Example: “Artifacts from the ancient civilization are on display at the museum.”

21. Illustration

Appropriate Use: A picture or diagram that helps make something clear or attractive.
Example: “The children’s book is filled with colorful illustrations.”

22. Sketch

Appropriate Use: A rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture.
Example: “The artist’s sketch captured the basic outline of the scenic landscape.”

23. Collage

Appropriate Use: An artistic composition made of various materials glued on a surface.
Example: “The collage was a mixture of photographs and paint, creating a unique effect.”

24. Mosaic

Appropriate Use: A picture or pattern produced by arranging together small pieces of stone, tile, glass, etc.
Example: “The ancient mosaic was uncovered during the archaeological excavation.”

25. Relief

Appropriate Use: A sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background.
Example: “The stone relief depicted a historical battle scene.”

Linda Brown