What Is Another Way to Say “Wind Down”?

Looking for synonyms for wind down? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say wind down.

  • Relax
  • Unwind
  • Decompress
  • Chill out
  • Cool down
  • Ease off
  • Slow down
  • Settle down
  • Calm down
  • Take it easy
  • Let up
  • Loosen up
  • De-stress
  • Unbend
  • Mellow out
  • Lighten up
  • Kick back
  • Unravel
  • Downshift
  • Recline

Want to learn how to say wind down professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Relax

Appropriate Use: To become less tense or anxious.
Example: “After a week of intense negotiations, she took some time to relax.”

2. Unwind

Appropriate Use: To relax after a period of work or tension.
Example: “He likes to unwind with a good book after a long day at the office.”

3. Decompress

Appropriate Use: To relieve or reduce pressure or tension.
Example: “The team planned a weekend retreat to decompress from the project’s stress.”

4. Chill out

Appropriate Use: To relax completely, or not allow things to upset you.
Example: “After finalizing the report, they decided to chill out at a nearby cafe.”

5. Cool down

Appropriate Use: To become calmer or less agitated.
Example: “She took a short walk to cool down after the heated meeting.”

6. Ease off

Appropriate Use: To reduce in degree, speed, or intensity.
Example: “As the project deadline approached, they had to ease off other less critical tasks.”

7. Slow down

Appropriate Use: To reduce one’s speed or the intensity of an activity.
Example: “He decided to slow down his work pace after experiencing burnout.”

8. Settle down

Appropriate Use: To become quiet, calm, or stable.
Example: “After the merger, the company culture started to settle down.”

9. Calm down

Appropriate Use: To become less excited, angry, or tense.
Example: “The manager asked everyone to calm down and discuss the issue rationally.”

10. Take it easy

Appropriate Use: To relax and not use too much energy.
Example: “The doctor advised her to take it easy and avoid overexertion at work.”

11. Let up

Appropriate Use: To become less intense or severe.
Example: “Work pressure let up a bit after the project was delivered.”

12. Loosen up

Appropriate Use: To become more relaxed or comfortable.
Example: “He needed to loosen up a bit after hours of focused programming.”

13. De-stress

Appropriate Use: To relax and stop feeling anxious.
Example: “She attended a yoga class to de-stress from work pressures.”

14. Unbend

Appropriate Use: To relax especially after a period of work or tension.
Example: “After the conference, he took some time off to unbend.”

15. Mellow out

Appropriate Use: To become more relaxed and less emotional.
Example: “The team started to mellow out after resolving the major issues.”

16. Lighten up

Appropriate Use: To become less serious and more cheerful.
Example: “He was advised to lighten up and enjoy the team building activities.”

17. Kick back

Appropriate Use: To relax and enjoy oneself completely.
Example: “They planned to kick back and celebrate after the product launch.”

18. Unravel

Appropriate Use: To relax or become less tense.
Example: “She took a weekend trip to the beach to unravel and recharge.”

19. Downshift

Appropriate Use: To change to a slower pace or lower level of activity.
Example: “He decided to downshift his career to focus more on personal development.”

20. Recline

Appropriate Use: To lie back or relax in a comfortable position.
Example: “On the flight home, she reclined her seat and reflected on her successful business trip.”

Linda Brown