What Is Another Way to Say “Upper Hand”?

Looking for synonyms for upper hand? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say upper hand.

  • Advantage
  • Dominance
  • Edge
  • Superiority
  • Ascendancy
  • Control
  • Mastery
  • Preeminence
  • Supremacy
  • Leverage
  • Authority
  • Command
  • Upper hand
  • Sway
  • Predominance

Want to learn how to say upper hand professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Advantage

Use ‘advantage’ when referring to a condition or circumstance that puts someone in a favorable or superior position in a professional context.
Example: “Having advanced technical skills gave her a significant advantage in the job market.”

2. Dominance

‘Dominance’ is appropriate when one party has a commanding position over others in a professional setting.
Example: “Their company’s dominance in the industry is due to innovative product designs.”

3. Edge

Use ‘edge’ to describe a slight but important lead or superiority in a competitive professional environment.
Example: “His extensive experience gave him an edge over other candidates in the interview process.”

4. Superiority

‘Superiority’ is used when someone or something is better than others in terms of quality or performance in a professional context.
Example: “The superiority of their software design is recognized throughout the tech industry.”

5. Ascendancy

Use ‘ascendancy’ to describe a position of dominance or controlling influence in a professional situation.
Example: “She gained ascendancy in the boardroom due to her exceptional leadership skills.”

6. Control

‘Control’ is appropriate to describe the power to influence or direct people’s behavior or the course of events in the workplace.
Example: “He maintained control over the project timeline to ensure timely completion.”

7. Mastery

Use ‘mastery’ to indicate comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or area in a professional context.
Example: “Her mastery of financial analysis made her an invaluable asset to the firm.”

8. Preeminence

‘Preeminence’ is used to describe the quality of being superior or very distinguished in some way in a professional field.
Example: “The company’s preeminence in renewable energy solutions is well-recognized.”

9. Supremacy

Use ‘supremacy’ to indicate the state of being the most important, powerful, or capable entity in a business or industry.
Example: “Their firm has maintained supremacy in legal services for over a decade.”

10. Leverage

‘Leverage’ is appropriate when referring to the power to influence a situation to achieve a desired outcome in the business world.
Example: “She used her networking skills as leverage in the negotiations.”

11. Authority

Use ‘authority’ to describe the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience in a professional setting.
Example: “As the department head, he had the authority to approve the new policies.”

12. Command

‘Command’ is suitable when someone has a great knowledge or ability in a certain area or holds a position of control in a professional environment.
Example: “Her command of multiple languages positioned her as a key negotiator in international deals.”

13. Upper hand

Use ‘upper hand’ to describe a position of advantage or control in a professional situation.
Example: “They gained the upper hand in the merger deal through strategic planning.”

14. Sway

‘Sway’ is appropriate for describing the ability to influence people or situations in a professional context.
Example: “His opinions hold considerable sway in the company’s strategic decisions.”

15. Predominance

Use ‘predominance’ to indicate the state or condition of being greater in number or amount in a business or professional area.
Example: “Their predominance in the market was due to high-quality customer service.”

Linda Brown